𝙴 𝚒 𝚐 𝚑 𝚝 𝚎 𝚎 𝚗

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, he says he misses Jiwoo and I." You explained. "He doesn't have any plans on coming back soon, unfortunately."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe he'll change his mind."

"Hopefully. It's going to come up on 2 years with him gone in a few months." You informed her.

"That's crazy! You've been keeping track, then?" Jiyoung asked.

"Sorta." You laughed a bit. "By the way, I heard Jisuk is acting up again, teasing Subin and Wooin."

Jiyoung sighed. "I know, it's exhausting. He's always arguing with Subin, as well. Most of the teasing is because of Subin and Wooin having crushes. Jisuk can be so childish sometimes."

"That's alright, he will probably mature soon enough. Can't wait for him to have a crush, so they can take revenge."

She laughed. "I have to admit, that would kinda be funny."

"It would." You replied. "By the way, how is this year's Awakened Academy going?"

"It could be better. This our 3rd year doing it, but it seems we're still making a lot of the same mistakes."

"That's a shame. I'm actually going to get off the phone for now, you can call me later if you want, or anytime you feel like calling."

"Okay, if you want to call me as well, you may. Bye, Y/N."

"Bye, Jiyoung."

You hung up, and decided to start early on your letter to Kayden. Once you were satisfied with what it contained, you read it aloud to make sure it sounded okay.

Hello Babygirl,

I'm doing well, and so is everyone else. It's going to be almost two years since you left. We all miss you, but especially me (and Jiwoo too.)

I love you lots, don't worry, I didn't forget you when hot men asked me out. Only one  guy hit on me at the supermarket, but he was an old guy.

Hopefully you turned down any hot women or men that asked you out or hit on you. If not, that's okay, I'll just find a new, hotter, nicer significant other.

I was joking, and I really do miss you. Come back soon.

Your amazing girlfriend,
Y/N ♥︎

You sealed the letter into an envelope, along with a picture of you and your dog. You wrote the address on it, and put it into your mailbox.

You went back inside, to find you dog had knocked over a bowl of fruit on your table. You picked up the bowl, as well as the fruit.

"You're such a klutz." You patted him. "It's okay, nothing broke. I don't eat these, anyway. Not sure why I bought them."

Your dog whined, so you let him outside to do his business. You lied around the house for a while, having nothing to do.

You scrolled through social media, looked through your fridge, paced around the house, but still had nothing to do.

You decided on heading to a convenient store real quick to get a few snacks.

"Will that be all?" The cashier scanned your items.

"Yes, thank you." You smiled, getting out your wallet.

"Actually, we'll add one more thing." Kartein added a drink to the counter, and the cashier scanned it.

You glared at Kartein, but paid for it anyway. The cashier bagged your items, and handed it to you. You left the store with Kartein.

"Not cool." You handed him his drink.

"I paid for your furniture, the least you can do is buy me a cheap drink." He opened the his beverage. "Heading home? I'll walk with you. It's getting late, and there's probably creeps out. Besides, I want to see your cute dog again."

"Alright." You walked back to your apartment with him. "How's it going, by the way?"

"Good, and you?"

"It's okay, although, I received a letter from Kayden after almost two years." You grinned.

"Really? Anything he wrote that was important?"

"Not really, he just said he wasn't coming back soon." You took a sip from the drink you had purchased. "He didn't say anything about you, not sure if that's good or bad."

"At least he didn't say anything rude about me, or to me." He replied. "I don't care for Kayden's attention, so I wouldn't want a letter from him."

"You guys should really try to work things out." You suggested. "Especially since I hate seeing you fight, it's annoying."

"I suppose I can try. Only if he does the same."

"I guess you'll have to send him a letter then, hm?" You playfully elbowed him the ribs.

"Maybe. You do have his current address, correct?"

"Indeed I do. I have it written down at my apartment, speaking of which, we are here." You led him inside.

"I want you to write your letter here. I want to help you write it, so you can hopefully repair your relationship."

"I'll try to the best of my ability to write a good letter to Kayden." Kartein promised.

"Okay! Now, for a starter, write..."

Kartein wrote the letter, as you occasionally added comments or advice. He read it aloud to you when he finished.


I hope this letter finds you well. This is Kartein, I know this letter must be quite the surprise, especially as it isn't a form of blackmail.

It's recently come to my attention that our relationship is childish, as all we do is insult each other and are overall, incredibly stupid. I wish to repair and restore the relationship we had before, if that's alright by you.

We've all been doing well, I've been making sure Y/N is doing okay, and I've been giving lots of attention to her dog. We miss you (some of us more than others) and hopefully you come back to Korea soon.

- Kartein

"Well, it sounds kind of weird because it's coming from you, if I'm being honest, but good enough." You reassured him.

"I'll send it off right now, if that's okay with you."

"That's fine. Luckily my mailbox is right outside my door to the left." You informed Kartein, and so he put the letter inside your mailbox.

"I'm going back home now, Y/N. Thanks for the drink, and assisting me in my letter writing."

"No problem. Feel free to come over whenever." You smiled.

After Kartein left, you read over Kayden's letter again. You turned it over, to find more writing, it seemed the paper he used to send you a letter was a random piece, as there were scribbles and math problems.

It looked to be purchases, one of them read "$298.99 USD- Y/N" you were puzzled by this, and continued reading it. It was all purchases he had made.

You shrugged it off, assuming he had gotten you a gift while he was gone. You contemplated for a while, before realizing what it was.

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