Bắt đầu từ đầu

I nod, my eyebrows dip in confusion, "Why are we here, En?"

He smiles softly before his mask falls back into place, "Vince is here."


He laughs, "Vince is slippery, he can slip out of anything. Stay. By. My. Side."

I nod once more before we head in, 'Glamorous by Fergie' blasting in the speaker. I follow Enzo to the VIP section, making sure to stare the guard in the eyes. He motions for us to go in.

I feel Enzo tense as we walk through the red curtain and into the VIP lounge. A man gets up, his buzzed haircut making him look mean. His body bulky. Enzo doesn't seem bothered by him, "Ahh, Enzo!"

He nods, "Mickey."

'Mickey' smiles, "Vince is in the back, go say hi," he looks at me, "I'll stay here with the babe."

I laugh, "If I'm not going with him I'm leaving, you'd watch me like you'd watch a dog... would you fuck a dog, Mick?"

He shakes his head, "No but, if you want I can call you a bitch."

"Do that and I'll cut your dick off before you get six feet in-front of me."

Enzo laughs, turning around and grabbing me by the shoulders and walks towards the back, "You are so fun, Barbie."

"I was being serious, En."

He nods, "I know you were." We walk into the back and he turns to me, "But when I'm talking to Vince; don't speak, okay?" He asks, "Let me do the talking."

I shrug, "Sounds good."

A man walks out, a long scar runs down his eyebrow and over his eye. I tense, this man looks scary. The men behind him move with him.



Vince looks behind him, motioning for his friends to get him a cigarette, "How's your house?"

Enzo shrugs, "Pretty good, might have to cover the bullet holes tho."

Vince laughs, "Nah, the newer the holes, the better."

I gag internally, this man is a fucking child molester. Enzo stiffness turns into anger, his fists balling up at his sides, "You're sick, you know that?"

"Hmm, yes. That's why I left your gang. Because you couldn't handle what I like."

Enzo laughs harshly, "Of course we didn't... we don't like forcing people to have sex, let alone children." A shiver runs through me as Enzo's voice becomes cold.

Vince shrugs, "You're missing out, my brother."

I scoff, bringing unwanted attention from him, Vince's face lights up in challenge. "Well, well. Look who it is... Aurora King."

My teeth grind from the use of my family's name, "That's not my name."

He snaps his finger, "Right! Aurora Bellone."

His friends laugh, each one of them looking me over with hunger in their eyes. I stay quiet.

"Okay, cut the shit, Vince."

Vince cocks an eyebrow, "What do you want?"

"You know what I want."

Vince shakes his head, "Enlighten me."

"Alessio's freedom. Let him roam with having to worry about his child being killed."

Vince hums, "On what condition?"

"I'll give you ten million dollars."

Vince laughs, jumping out of his seat. "Fuck yeah, now that's a deal."

Enzo stays still as a board, "I will transfer you the money through banks, slowly."

Vince rubs his hands together, smiling evilly. "Okay."

Enzo nods before taking my hand and dragging me out of the back room. Mickey is waiting for us when we return. "You guys have fun?"


Enzo let's go off my hand, his warmth is placed on my lower back, leading me out of the room. A hand comes down on my ass and I turn, punching Mickey in the face, blood coats my hand as he yells in pain, "You bitch, you broke my nose!"

I step up to him, "You want me to break something else?"

He shakes his head frantically, "N-no, I'm sorry." He wails. The smell of piss reaches my nose.

I grimace in disgust, "Dude, what the fuck?" I laugh, standing up, "A teddy bear is scarier than me."

Enzo laughs, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the VIP, he hold out his arm, "Wanna dance?"

I shrug, "Sure."

I sway my hips, bringing my hands through my hair. Enzo grabs my hips, bringing me closer; but not close enough to touch. I giggle, "is this how you dance?"

He laughs, "Yeah, am I doing good?"

"No!" I turn to face him, "How about we get McDonald's and go home and watch Gilmore girls?" I freeze as I finish that sentence, realizing I have nowhere to go after my arm gets fully healed.

"What's wrong?"

I shake my head, "Nothing."

He nods, grabbing my hand, "Let's go get McDonald's."

I smile softly, following him out of the bar and back to his car.

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Honestly, this has to be my favorite chapter I've written so far... I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well!
Please follow my insta and tiktok!
I had my job interview today!! Thank you for 4k!

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Broken Lies | 18+Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ