"Inappropriate use of uniform and unauthorized use of my high grade potions!" Severus answered monotone, putting away his supplies into the pull drawer of his desk.

Harry looked down at himself. "Seriously??? It was hot! And I shouldn't have to defend myself about the giveaway, it's good initiative for the students to write better work!" He argued.

"Detention! You will go clean yourself up and come back here at 8pm sharp! No complaints, no arguing!" Severus pointed to the door. "Out!"

Harry scoffed loudly with a large scowl, but he knew making a bigger fuss about the matter would end up in physical harm. He grabbed his cloak and left, stomping out in annoyance.

Severus looked up with a grin, he felt satisfied with himself that he could still get a rise out of Harry. He missed making the boy aggravated, but this time it felt different. What did i just do? Harry and I alone at night in a classroom...

× × × ×

Harry spent the next few hours showering and eating a quick dinner before leaving for his detention with Severus, he still felt it wasn't warranted.

He paced back and forth in his kitchen, nibbling his nails with a glass of whiskey in the other. He swirled it around in the crystal glass, thinking about his feelings. "I feel so stupid." He whispered to himself, knocking back his shot.

Severus was already in the classroom, 30 minutes early so he could clean the room top to bottom. His mind was racing along with his heart, he was pissed at himself for making such a rash decision. What am I suppose to do with him for an entire hour?!

He found an unopened package of gold leaf edged parchment in one of the stock cabinets, deciding that the easiest thing would be to make Harry write lines.

Harry had enough of his ridiculous pacing, chucking the crystal in the sink. He quickly sprayed some cedar pine cologne on before he left, grabbing his wand on his way out.

A slow walk helped Harry feel better about his confusion to all of his mental anguish, coming to the conclusion that it was time to settle all of this. He decided to tell Severus how he felt about him, there was no backing out now.

Severus busied himself with writing up a pop quiz to hand out tomorrow, setting up his ink bottles and quills.

Knock knock...Knock!

Harry slowly pushed the door open, coming inside. "Evening." He said quietly, walking cautiously up to Severus's desk.

Severus looked up to see Harry dressed in a black buttondown shirt similar to what he had on before, paired with dark blue jeans and red hightop sneakers. "Sit." He flatly spoke, pointing his quill at the desk infront of his.

Harry said nothing in the interest of keeping this evening's events calm and easy, sitting down at the desk as instructed.

"There's parchment and a green quill infront of you." Severus went back to writing. "I've provided some black ink as well, you'll write lines for an hour."

Harry checked the quill for any breaks or irregularities, dipping the tip in the silky black ink. "What do you want me to write Sir?" He asked, pushing away the memory of what Umbridge did to him a few years back.

"I will ask before I speak." Severus answered. "Or if you prefer 'I will wear my uniform properly' you can do that instead."

Harry still didn't know what he did with his clothes that bothered Severus so badly, but then he looked down at himself like before. Hmmm...should I test this? The shirt is a different color but it's the same.

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