Keefe's Sacrifice ( Part 4 )

Start from the beginning

None of this makes sense.

" If you're done overthinking everything, can we get started? I have ways of controlling my son when it comes to certain things." Gisela told her. That was when something clicked.

Were they using her as bait to lure Keefe here?

Sophie had no doubt that was a possibility. And the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. There was no way out of this room. She couldn't even inflict. Vespera's and Lady Gisela's reflections on the mirror were illusions.

There was only one way she was getting out of this.

" Ok. Let's start this test. But if it kills me, know that I WILL haunt you." Sophie said. Gisela rolled her eyes.

" I think you're spending far too much time with my son. Very well. You have only one hour to complete this test. It" She said with a psychotic grin.

Her reflection disappeared, along with the mirror.

How did these illusions work?

Sophie looked around for a door, a tunnel, or ANYTHING to appear.


" How am I supposed to do this? Where do I start?" She yelled pointlessly at nothing. All of a sudden a chain fell from the ceiling. It dangled from the ceiling. It reminded Sophie of the creepy place that had gotten melted by the Everblaze.


Is that what this was? Sophie looked around for anything else. Nothing. She grimaced as she tied the chain around her feet. She used her levitation to get the upper body strength to pull the chain as she hung upside down.

Please let this be the right thing.

As she pulled the chain and plummeted to the ground, Sophie braced for the pain of a broken neck to come, but it never came.

Sophie went through the floor, which felt like going through a mixture of mashed potatoes and Jell-O. Soon she was hanging in a different room. Using her levitation to get out of the chain, she softly fell to the floor.

The room only had one pocket of light, which she was standing in. The rest of the room was pitch black. Sophie felt such an eeriness coming from the black expanse that it almost reminded her of.....

The King's Path.

But- she wasn't in Loamnore, was she?

No. There were no mysterious rooms with such illusions that she knew of. Nubiti would have told her. This had to be a replica. Sophie closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

Then she stepped into the darkness.


The first minute or two were suffocating, but no nightmarish visions had happened yet. She thought that it may just be her imagination and she was giving the Neverseen too much credit, then she heard a woosh next to her.

" Who's there?" She yelled, turning around. It was happening, the visions were coming.

Another woosh of fabric next to her head. But as she turned, a series of footsteps sounded on her other side. Sophie grasped her head. She couldn't lose her bearings.

It's not real. It's not real, just keep going.

But she had no gnome to help her through. She had no idea where she was going.


A throwing star landed somewhere in the darkness. Sophie gasped. A voice in the back of her mind told her it wasn't real, and she knew it. But she was too panicked.

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