Keefe's Sacrifice ( Part 4 )

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A/N: Please play the video above when i give the signal, thank you! <3

TW: Death.


Sophie woke up on the floor in a stone room. She gasped, not knowing where she was. She expected to feel bonds, but there were none. She quickly stood, trying her pockets for whatever weapon she could.

There were none.

They must've taken all of her throwing stars, her melder, even her tracking device.

But not all of them.

She still had the tracking that her panic switch had. She quickly pushed the center, hoping they could get here fast. She had no idea what the Neverseen had planned. She studied the small dungeon. There were no doors. Just walls. She checked for a secret opening. Nothing. How did they get her in here? She spread out her consciousness, looking for any trace of thoughts. Either the Neverseen were wearing their weird hats, or no one was around.

" I bet you're wondering how we got you in that room." Vespera's voice said. Sophie whipped around to see a mirror set in the stone.

It wasn't there a second ago.

" H-...h-how did-" Sophie started.

" ILLUSIONS. REMEMBER, SOPHIE?" Vespera snapped. She rolled her eyes as she told her,

" Honestly. I thought you would've understood that's our THEME here by now. Oh well, I'm getting off topic here. Do you know why you're here?" She asked as if bored.

Sophie glared at her, making herself not show any fear as she told her,

" To interrogate me?" She held her head up high and took a deep breath as she forced herself to ask,

"......T-..To kill me?"

Vespera stared at her for a second, studying her. After a second she smiled.

" We're not going to kill you, or interrogate you. We want to test you. But... I suppose if you fail the test WILL kill you." She shrugged.

" Wait- Test me for what?" Sophie asked, then immediately regretted it. She should be asking a much better question.

What kind of test?

The Neverseen most likely didn't mean the kind where you have time to study for and fill in blanks and circle multiple choice answers. This was the Neverseen. Whatever kind of test it was, it was gonna be confusing, twisted, and very hard.

" The test was Gisela's idea. I'm not a fan but, she said that her son could help with my plans if i cooperated with HER plan. So we have a deal. I just gotta hold up my end."

None of that made sense. Sophie shook her head in confusion. She said annoyed,

" Is Gisela there with you?"

" Yes. She says you can speak with her briefly." Vespera stepped aside in a bored manner. Gisela stepped into view.

" Hello Sophie. Have you figured out why you're here yet?"

" Vespera said for a test."

" She's correct. Are you ready to start the test?"

" NO! No, I'm not. I didn't even agree to this! Even if Vespera holds up her end of this deal you two have, Keefe will NEVER help you!"

Unless Keefe was here.

Had she been wrong when she suspected he went to her human family? Had he actually gone to join his mother? But that didn't make sense. Keefe would never join them again after what happened last time.

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