17/Transportation, Journals & Shins

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1. Imagine a world without cars or vehicles, how would transportation look like today if we never advanced upon carriages and older ways of transportation?

2. You are on the subway station and you find a journal labeled "my life before my suicide". The pages are soiled and dirty, but each one is filled to the brim with an ink pen. You, for some reason, pick up the book and bring it home. Where you read over it, sucking in every written word. All of them. Whether they were gruesomely tragic, fearless, fearful, tear stained, furious, dreadful and even the gorgeous ones. On the last page, in simple letter, in a furious red pen read

 "Goodbye, you shit-stained earth! I'm jumping, on July 16th, 0000, *streetname*" This is what makes you freeze, the 16th was only two days later, today it is the 14th. You know the address. You've learned to love this person, you've seen the naked parts that they've never shown anyone else, and you had a chance to run to that roof and stop them on the 16th. Will you do it?

3.  "Hey um, I'm your sibling, and you'd love me no matter what, right?"

"What do you want?"

"Sooo, um, I kind of kicked the principal in the shin because he said something really offensive and stereotypical about our family, and ugh, Im now hiding from he, can you pick me up?"

"I sometimes wish mom had one kid...and hell yeah, I'm on my way"

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