01/Ghosts, Passions,& Death

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1. Single mother of three has been sinking in debt for years now. She meets with the banks manager once a month to format a plan for her savings. She works two jobs to keep the water on-well, as of recently, she only works one job. That's why this meeting, she is more anxious than ever, how is she supposed to provide for her three kids? What will happen to their apartment If this continues? Her mind is buzzing with nagging questions, each with no response. Apparently the manager was late today? Ten minutes to be exact. Though, that didn't bother her, at the moment she just needed someone, anyone. She perks up as the door opens, she expects nothing more than the managers bright grin and seemingly tried eyes. But no, her hearts drops dead when she is met with a face she learned to hate-her /apparently/ deceased husband. Turns out your ghosts DO haunt you after all.

2. When humans are born, they are assigned a passion of some sort. Scientists have debated over the years as of how these passions have been given, and by whom and/or what has given it to their children. Some say it is the Christian god, maybe a god from Hinduism, well even some say it is because of the parent's drug usage and that being passed down. The biggest theory is that-a century ago, there was massive drug usage, in order to keep alive, terrorists forced many to inhale drugs high in intoxicating chemicals. Many believe that because of these drugs, when they gave birth to their children-well. That's nothing but a theory. Some see passions as a curse, some as a blessing from above, or below. Yet, their talent only becomes noticeable after 18 months after birth. What happens when a young couple adopts a baby, who never shows a passion of any kind? What must that child's life be like, surrounded by passions, when she can't have one to call her own?

3. "Dude pass the fucking fruit loops and get work, we got some major shit to do if we want to crack this!"

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