06/Kisses, Secrets & Dead(?)Moms

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1. "Okay, don't ask why but-I'm going to need you to kiss me."

2. You arrive to your favorite cafe, early in the crisp morning, just like always, it's the routine. Just, what happens when all of a sudden-you are thrown of routine? Well let's just say that your employee, instead of serving you your order, they look at you, place all over, and whisper "I know exactly why your partner went missing...". 

"How, the hell would you know, mind your own fuckin business, you creep!" you whisper back with a scowl.

 All the employee does is laugh like it's the funniest thing they've seen "come with me". 

3. A young teen goes outside to check their mailbox for anything (and maybe just get outside). They don't expect to see anything, that's why it shocks them out of their skin when they gaze upon a letter from....their dead mother.

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