02/Bugs, Jealousy,& a Journal

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1. Stained porcelain lays shattered in the kitchen sink, rotting next to cans of unfinished pumpkin oatmeal. The kitchen smells of a horrible stench relating somewhere close to...sardine. Everything in that kitchen, every plate, eatery can of emergency food, every counter, the adults in the next room, all dead. The only thing still alive yet shattered, a small cockroach in the the very far corner of a cabinet. This cockroach has been modified by scientists, therefore everything that this cockroach has seen, the scientists knows as well. No these aren't government scientists. Instead, a band of tired college students bored with their elected insect anatomy degree. Let's just say that when this cockroach comes back to the group instead of grass and scraps like it normally sees, it captures a destroyed home, destruction done by....someone. 

2. "Watching you hold them, makes me want to scream."

3. You wonder into your favorite public library. You've spent so many long days and nights here that you know every curve or the book cases, even where all of the books go according to genre. Well, you begin to browse for a quick read, yet you stumble across an abandoned journal. Every page is battered and full to the brim. Would you open it or leave it alone? What would you do?

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