"Come on, man. That's your boy! Don't you want him to join the brotherhood?" Jax exclaimed.

"O' course I do. And we've talked about it some. I think he will once he gets out o' high school. Elise wants them t' get an education. T' be able t' make something o' themselves." Chibs explained, "Like, she doesn't want Harley to become someone's 'ol lady. She wants her t' go t' college, get a degree, and get a goo' job somewhere doin' something she loves."

"Of course. All mothers want that for their children. What about your plans for Filip and the MC?" Jax asked.

"I convinced her t' let me get the boy a bike. I can convince t' let 'im prospect for the club." Chibs chuckled.

"What about Jagger, Happy? Is he going to prospect?" Clay turned his attention to the assassin.

"As soon as he's able. Ava wants him to finish high school first, though." Happy half-grinned at the group making them all laugh.

"Oh boy. A Happy in training!" Juice stated making the group all laugh again.

"What do you expect from Happy's kid?" Tig said as he turned the meat over on the grill.

"Still fighting with your wife on whether he's getting a bike?" Clay humorously inquired.

"No. I've finally convinced her to let me get him a bike." Happy stated.

"I bet he's excited." Tig laughed.

"Oh he's more than excited. He can't wait to hit sixteen so he can get his bike." Happy told the group making them all laugh.

"So, have you decided what vehicle Jagger is going to get?" Massika asked her daughter.

"Happy finally convinced me to let him get Jagger a motorcycle. He promised me he'd make sure Jagger knew how to properly use it, take care of it, and be safe on it." Ava replied making several of the other women chuckle.

"Yeah, Chibs is getting Filip a bike for his sixteenth birthday as long as his grades are up and he's gotten his license. Filip wants to follow in his father's footsteps, especially when it comes to the MC." Elise added.

"Yeah. Jagger wants to follow in Happy's footsteps too and that makes me so sad and nervous." Ava replied.

"Why's that?" Gemma asked.

"I want him to go to college and find a job he loves and live a happy, normal life. Not one filled with danger like the bikers. No offense, Miss Gemma." Ava replied.

"I feel ya on that one, sis! Filip wants to prospect for the MC but I refuse to let him until he graduates high school. I want Harley to go to college and make something of herself. I don't want her to just become someone's 'ol lady and that's it." Elise confessed.

"Stick to your guns about your children, ladies." Gemma told them with a smile.

"I am." Ava said earning a head nod from her sister.

"I am." Ava said earning a head nod from her sister.

"What about Harley? Does she want a bike too?" Massika inquired.

"No. She prefers the safety of actual cars." Elise chuckled, "We're going to get her a good, reliable, used car for her sixteenth as long as her grades are up and she's gotten her license."

"Ok. That's good to hear." Massika smiled.

"It's not so bad being on a bike." Gemma retorted.

"I know but this is my son. I want him to be safe, ya know?" Elise exclaimed earning a vigorous head nod from Ava.

"Trust me. Their fathersare expert bike riders. There's no one better to teach them how to ride thantheir fathers." Gemma told the pair making Ava sigh.

The women finished preparing the side dishes for the BBQ while Tig was just finishing up the meat. Tig came inside to grab a big platter to put all the meat on and kissed Remi's forehead before leaving the kitchen. They lined everything up buffet style to make it easier on everyone to get whatever they wanted to eat. Once Tig had the meat prepared, they called everyone to come make a plate. The three teens were quick to head into the kitchen. Everyone stood in line and slowly made their plates before getting a drink. Some sat at the kitchen table, some went out on the back patio to enjoy the cool breeze and nice temperature. Most of the women stayed indoors. Little Filip, by now closer to his father's height and definitely taller than his mother, headed outside to eat "with the big boys". Harley and Jagger ate with the women at the dinner table. 

The conversation was light as everyone ate. Lyla suggested the women have another girls day out again soon earning a head nod from Remi. She hardly ever got out of the house since she worked from home. Clay asked Filip how his studies were going and how he was enjoying being on the junior football team. The young teen replied that he was getting all A's and B's and he was loving the team thus far and that he couldn't wait for their first game of the season. Most bikers chuckled at the enthusiastic boy. Chibs couldn't wait to see his son out on the field and cheer him on from the stands. He'd promised Filip he'd be there every chance he could and he wasn't about to break that promise to his son. Tig figured Chibs would want some of his brothers there to help cheer Filip on too.

The whole day was calm and relaxing as people ate and chatted like there was no threats looming over them. Around five pm, most of the bikers began filtering out of the house to head back to the clubhouse or their own residences. They all thanked Remi and Tig for the BBQ before leaving. Ava, Elise, and Massika helped clean up the kitchen from the BBQ and putting away the leftovers. Tig thanked his brothers for coming out. It was getting close to fall and soon the football season would start to the delight of most of the bikers. Filip couldn't wait for the first game of the season since it would a home game. He hoped his mom and dad would be there to see him play even though his father had already made the promise to be at every game he could. His sister had to be there as well since she was on the cheerleading squad. 

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