Chapter Seven

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!TW! The next chapters contains self harm and the talk of suicide. If these subjects make you uncomfortable, I suggest you click off now.

Thank you! ^^

Lloyd's POV -

I open my eyes to see that I was sitting on top of a large cloud. Nothing but a void of white emptiness was under me. I gazed around, blinking in confusion. Where am I? I shifted to my knees as everything started to grow dark. The cloud under me disappeared and I started falling, falling, falling.

"HELP!" I called, trying to reach up to the dark covered sky. No one answered.

I soon landed through another cloud and all I could see was a dark pitch black. The shade of black looked very similar to something I had seen before.

I walked around, though I only seemed to be traveling in a big circle. I continued to call out, but only my echo greets me. Soon I decide to give up as I sat on the ground, sobbing in my hands. I felt so alone and helpless. I stared at my hands as they started to shake.

"STOP! STOP SHAKING" I cried at myself while squeezing my hands. "STOP!"

Suddenly, a small knife appeared in front of me. Without hesitation, I immediately grabbed it in my hand and pointed the sharp end near my left arm. Before I was about to make a mark I was pulled away from the dark clouds. I was forced to drop the knife and my green eyes closed.

Lloyd blinked open his eyes. He heard the voices of his friends all around him. They were all here, but where was he? He put a hand to his head, which was starting to throb. A thick bandage was tied around his forehead. He groaned as he tried to sit up.

Suddenly, Kai's voice rose up above the rest, "Lloyd! He's awake!"

Lloyd turned his head to see that Master Wu rushed to his side. Seeing his Uncle's face gave him a safe feeling he hadn't felt in a while. He looked past him to see that they were actually in the monastery's hanger bay. I'm home again. I'm safe.

Master Wu helped him sit up while wrapping a blanket around the injured boy. He was given some tea to drink and he sipped on it gratefully.

Lloyd looked up at the group, who were all gathered around him staring with concerned faces. "How did you guys get me back here?" he asked.

Kikian spoke up, "I had to knock you out. If I didn't, you could have killed someone."

Lloyd shuddered, remembering the trance he was in. All he could do was watch while he almost killed Kai and threw green blasts of energy at Zane. He looked from Kai to Zane, "I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! I never meant to hurt you! I couldn't feel my body . . . I was stuck in a trance, like when I was possessed. I'm so sorry!" Lloyd started to cry. He covered his face with his hands.

Kai sat himself next to Lloyd. He wrapped his arm around the Green Ninja's shoulders as he pulled Lloyd closer to him. Lloyd immediately leaned on Kai's shoulder, still sodding. "Don't worry Lloyd. We know you would never mean to hurt any of us."

Once Lloyd had calmed down, Master Wu sat down on the other side of him, "Can you tell us what you saw?" he asked calmly,

Lloyd strained his thoughts, trying to remember. "I didn't see much when I was in . . . the trance, though I did see something while I was out." Lloyd took a deep breath. He felt that he needed to tell the others what he saw. Maybe it would be important later. "I was on a cloud, before it disappeared under me. I fell into this pit of dark clouds. All I could see was pitch black and nothing else. It was terrifying and I felt so alone and scared. Then, there was this knife . . ." he stopped, beginning to hesitate.

Kai took the Green Ninja's hands in his own, worry plastered on his face, "Lloyd. What knife?"

He sounds so worried about me.

Lloyd shook his head, dismissing the visions of the knife and him almost cutting through his skin. "It's . . . nothing important. Forget I said anything."

"Lloyd," Master Wu said, he sounded stern, but worried as well. "You need to tell us."

Lloyd sighed, closing his eyes and trying to take in deep breaths, "Fine. When I was still stuck in the dark clouds, a knife appeared. It was so close, and I was tempted . . . I grabbed the knife so quickly . . . I lost all self control," tears started to form around the corners of his eyes. "I was going to cut through my skin, but I was pulled out of the nightmare before I could do anything." He was soon sobbing again, "I'm so sorry, I didn't want to hurt myself, honestly!"

The group grew quiet, leaving Lloyd to look around frantically. He was so confused and wanted everything to be normal again. "What? Why has everyone gone silent?"

Master Wu heaved himself up from the couch as Kai held Lloyd's hands gently into his own. "You look extremely exhausted Lloyd. How about you get some rest? You have dark circles under your eyes."

Lloyd sighed, giving in to his tiredness. He only hoped that he wouldn't be stuck in another frightful dream. He leaned back and rested his head on a pillow that Kai handed to him and slowly drifted off into an unstable sleep.

Ninjago Oni and Dragon // Part One // Villain Lloyd AU //Where stories live. Discover now