A father's blessing

Start from the beginning

Obviously Kaitlyn accepted my proposal, as you can see, I am wearing the engagement ring. *shows the ring on his finger* and I know your probably thinking how this would all work, considering we had just recently graduated high school... Well.. I wanted to reassure you that me and her had discussed on a plan and everything, but I feel like I should ask this now before explaining or going any further. So I'll just put it plain and simple..

I am asking for your blessing.

I want to marry your daughter! Because.. well... She... She has shown me what love truly ment. I mean, we all know the works, she's beautiful, she's kind, she's smart, she's practically perfect in every way.  But before I met her... I didn't really know what love was. And I'm talking about the romantic and sexual kind.. I was just some young kid who would typically think that girls were gross. Although I didn't believe in Cooties. And I still don't!

I mean, who would?

But 4 years ago, at the age of 13... That was when I had met your daughter.. and she was the one to show me what love Truly was... And at the time, I never knew that it would feel so good. And at that moment, I felt like.. I had found the person I'd want to be with, like when I saw her for the first time I saw a halo on her.

And now, I just can't believe 4 years later, we'd still be together. Or even engaged for that matter..

honestly sir... I don't know what I would do without her... She means... Everything to me... Losing her.... Would be a fate worse then death. I'd do anything for your daughter... I'd take care of her and treat her well and give her the life she deserves..

I'd give her the world...

John: Yes.

Maxwell: *stops for a moment and looks at John* huh?

John: You have my blessing.

Maxwell: what?...  Are you serious? It... It's that simple?

John: My boy, I already figured you'd do all of those things you said.. because I trust you, and I always have.  You've made Kaitlyn so happy... and.. to be honest with you, since her mother passed, things weren't really the same... And I knew that it was hard for her to lose her mother as such a young age.. even when she had barely any time to know her all that much... But when you came into her life.. it almost brought a year to my eye, knowing that my daughter was happy. Happier then she has ever been in her whole life..

And I know, and she even knows I'm not gonna be around forever and... I know eventually... She will need someone to take care of her..   and everyday, I Thank God for blessing us with such a wonderful person like you..  *begins to get alittle emotional*

Maxwell: woah.. dude, you okay?

John: *sniff* Y... Yeah... I... I'm fine...

Maxwell: *sees a box of tissues sitting next to him and takes two of them out of the box and gives them to kaitlyns dad* here... 

John: thank you. *Uses the tissues* I... I... Am so sorry... It's just... I... I'm so happy... M..my daughter is getting married soon...
*He gets up to get a glass of water and then sits back down as he drinks it*

*Once John had calmed down alittle, he began to speak again.*

John: anyways.. Do you Have a Date set yet? You know...for the wedding?

Maxwell: well.. the actual wedding won't be until after me and Kaitlyn Finnish college. So it will be awhile.. and she told me she'd be willing to wait that long. So from now up until graduation, we are engaged.  In terms of a Set date for the wedding... We haven't really discussed that yet.. but I kinda had an idea in my head. I was thinking about having it probably on... September 15th 2028? So like it would be a few months after we graduate college, which will give us plenty of time to plan for the wedding for when we do get married.. and stuff like that. But Im not confirming it yet.. I still need to talk with Kaitlyn to see if she approves with the date.

John: wow! You've really thought this through, haven't you?  And yeah, That seems pretty understandable.

Maxwell: *lightly chuckles* yeah..  I guess I have. And I'm glad we are on the same page here...

Well? I guess I'd have to say, thank you. thank you so much for this! I will take good care of her Mr. Goldenheart!  *He says with a smile*

John: oh no.. You're my future son in law!  Please... You can call me... Dad.

Maxwell: oh! Uhh.. okay.. well I mean, I already have a dad.. so I guess I'd just have to call you, dad #2! *Chuckles*

John: *laughs* Fair enough. Say, would you care to stay here for a bit longer? I think Kaitlyn might be coming back here pretty soon. She should be done with her appointment by now.

Maxwell: as much as I'd love that idea, I actually have to get home and prepare for next week.

John: what's next week?

Maxwell: my best friend, Blake. His birthday is next week. And it's also our Broversary.

John: bro.. versary??? *Was confused*

Maxwell: oh! Uh.. you wouldn't get it, it's like a "between me and him" type thing you know?

John: oh okay. Well tell him I said happy birthday Will ya?

Maxwell: aight! I will! And I'll also be text Kaitlyn later. I better get going now. It was nice talking with you.  Mr.-

Uh.. I mean.. Dad #2! 

John: same!

*The two men both shake hands before Maxwell walks out of the door and heads back to his Tesla and goes back home.*

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