9 The Piggyback

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TW.Violence(The * means to play the song)

Y/N's POV.

The floor creaks as I walk across it carrying the lantern.I walk over to Max and she looks at me.

Suddenly Erica walks over and she holds up a paper saying "Found Vecna".

Me and Max follow after her and the 4 of us walk over towards the lantern that is shining bright.

Max walks forwards and her lantern starts buzzing.She looks over at us and I look down at Erica who has opened a pen.She writes something down and holds it up.

"Phase 1?".

Me and Lucas nod and Erica nods.She runs out of the house and the door closes.

Lucas writes something down and holds it up.

"I'm going to walk around".

Lucas gives us a little smile and he walks away.

Me and Max sit down in the living room across each other.Max looks at me before grabbing a pen and a notebook.She writes something down and holds the notebook up.


Max smiles and I grab a pen and a notebook.


Max smiles again and so do I.

Max holds up her notebook after writing something down.

"I'm glad you're here".

I grin.


"Me too".

Max raises her eyebrows and grins.I look down at my notebook.

"Movie Friday?".

Max looks at me before drawing something on her notebook.I try to look over but she hides it.When she's done she looks at me and turns the notebook around.It's a stick man drawing of me and her at the movies.

We both smile.

I look down at my notebook.

"I love it".

Max looks down at her notebook and writes something down.She bites her lip before holding it up.

"I really want to kiss you right now".

I grin.

"Didn't you say last time you don't want to kiss me becuase we are surrounded by cobwebs?".

Max rolls her eyes and she gets up from edge of the couch.She leans forward and so do I.Max cups my face and leans over and kisses me.

In that moment I completley forget about Vecna and everything that has been happening in the past couple of days and I focus on Max.I focus on her lips.On the way her hands feel against my cheek as our lips move against each other.I focus on the taste of her lips.I focus on her.

Before the kiss can deepen Max pulls the way out of breathe.I stand up.

Max grabs her notebook and she writes something down before holding it up.

"I love you".

I smile and write.

"I love you too".

Max smiles and she places the notebook back down before walking over to me and kissing me again.We smile into the kiss.


Suddenly a light flickering from outside makes us pull away.I get up and walk over to the window and Max also walks over.It's Erica.

I pick up my flashlight and starting turning it on and off.

To Hold You | Max Mayfield X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now