5 The Flayed

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Y/N's POV.

"I found him".El says.She has a blinfold on and is trying to find Hopper in the void.

"Where is he?".Max asks.

"Woods".El replies.

"Woods?".I say.

"He's with....Will's mom".El says.

"My mom?".Will looks at us.

"What are they doing?".Max asks.

"Ill....annoy".El replies. "They're going to Ill-annoy".

"Illinois?Illinois,like the state?".Mike says.

El takes her blinfold on and look at Mike.


Max gets up and takes El's hand,pulling her into the bathroom.I watch as she shuts the door and I let out a sigh.

Max's POV.

I put the towel under the tap before cleaning El's nose from blood.She touches her throat that has light brusing from how tightly Billy grabbed her.

I still couldn't believe Billy was possesed by the mind flayer.A part of me believes that this is a mistake,but the other part knows it's not.

"Does it still hurt?".I ask.

"Only when I talk".El replies.

"Well it's a good thing you're not Mike then.Blah,blah,blah,blah,blah.You'd be in constant pain".I say and me and El laugh.

Y/N's POV.

I stare at my feet as Mike and Lucas talk about something.I'm still thinking about how I treated Max.And the image of my dad and that woman is stuck in the back of my mind.

"What are they still doing in there?".Mike says as he looks at the bathroom door.He turns to look at me. "And why aren't you in there with them?".

"Me and Max aren't exactly talking".I tell him.

"Did Max break up with you too?".Lucas says.

"What?".I look at him.

"Oh come on,Y/N.You and Max haven't left each others sides this whole entire summer and now suddenly you're barely talking to each other".Lucas says.

"Y/N,it's fine if you and Max are dating.We totally support it".Will says and I almost smile.

"Yeah,it's quite obvious aswell".Mike says.

"No,we didn't break up".I tell them. "I just fucked up".

We turn back to look at the bathroom door since Max and El are still not coming out.

"They're conspiring against me".Mike says.

"That's what you're concerned about?".Will asks.

I walk over to them.

"It's not my main concern.It's just a sub concern".Mike replies.

"I thought it was already over".Will says.

"It's not over.We're just taking a break".Mike looks at him.

"She said she dumped your ass.That doesn't sound like a break".I say.

"It wasn't!".Max shouts. "You do realise we can hear everything you're saying,right?".

Suddenly,there's a knock on the basement door.

"Not now mom!".Mike shouts.

"Mike open the door".It's Nancy.

"It was the same thing,the exact same thing happened to Will last year".Nancy says. "And look at this.Look at the body temperatures".

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