5 Dig Dug

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Y/N's POV.

I'm usually a really awkward person and I would never do something like this,but something came over me when I woke up this morning.I can't stand Max being mad at me,I really do want her in our party.So I grab my bike and peddal to the arcade.

"Hey Keith".I say as I walk up to him. "Can you do something for me?".

I sit in the backroom nervously.I'm really scared what Max is going to say when she see's me but I really have to talk to her.The door opens and Max looks at me.She walks in.

"You better get me that date now,Y/N".Keith looks at me.

"I told you I would-".I start.

"And keep thing PG in here ok?".Keith cuts me off.

"Ok you can go now".I tell him.He shuts the door.

"What is this shit,stalker?".Max asks as she walks up to me.

"Sorry.Um....I just needed a safe place".I reply.

"A safe place to what?Be creepy?".Max says.

"Listen,I'm going to tell you the truth about everything that happened last year".I tell her. "Um....but if anyone finds out you could be arrested.Possibly killed".

"Killed?".Max says.

"I need to know.Do you accept the risk?".I ask looking into her eyes.

"Oh my god!This is so stupid".Max replies.

"Do you accept the risk?".I ask again.

"Yeah.Sure.Fine.I accept the risk.".Max replies before she sits down. "Let's hear it".

"Um....last year Will didn't get lost in the woods.He got lost somewhere else".I say. "I know this is going to um....sound super crazy but you have to believe me.There's this place called the upside down".

"The upside down?".Max says.

"Yes,the upside down.It's like our world but a alternate dimension and much worse than here".I tell her.

"Ok".Max says.

"Last year after we played  D and D,we all went home and Will had to drive past Mirkwood to his house".I say.

"What's Mirkwood?".Max asks.

"It's where Cornwallis and Kerley meet".I reply. "Um....a monster called the Demogorgon took Will to the upside down and that's where Will was.One night we went to look for him and we went where they found his bike we saw a girl,she was like fucking drenched and at first we thought she was a psycho or something.Her name was El.This is going to sound super crazy but um....El had superpowers.Like she could move stuff with her mind".


I carried on telling her about what happened and how El helped us find Will.

"And that was the last we ever saw of her.After that she was just gone".I say. "I can't believe it's been that long.Feels like yestarday".

"Yeah,I mean,I bet".Max looks at me.

"It's crazy".I tell her.

"It's crazy but I really liked it".Max says.

"Liked it?".I ask.

"Yah.Well I mean,I had a few issues".Max replies.

"Issues?".I say.

"Come on,you really think I'm going to believe that.It was a good story but I just wished it had a little more originality".Max says.

"Why would I make this up?".I ask.

"I don't know to impress me or something?Or you're just like,insane".Max replies.

"I tell you all this.Top secret stuff.Risk my life and this is how you react?".I say.

"Risking your life?".Max looks at me.She gets up.

"Where are you going?".I ask.

"Story time's over.Isn't it?".Max replies.

Max walks out of the room and I follow after.

"What's wrong with?I gave you what you wanted".I say.Max turns around.

"I wanted to be a part of a group,not a part of some joke".Max says.

"It's not a joke".I tell her.

"You did a good job ok?You can go tell the others I believed your lies if it gets you your experience points or whatever".Max says.

Max starts to walk away but I hold her arm.

"We have alot of rules in our party um....but the most important is that friends don't lie".I tell her.

"Is that right?"Max says and walks away.She shows me the out of order sign Keith put up on the machine. "Then how do you explain this?".

"I had to do that.To protect you".I say.

"To protect me?From who exactly?The big bad government baddies from Hawkins lab?".Max says.

"Lower your voice".I whisper.

"Maybe it was to protect me from the demogorgan from another dimension?".

"Max,I'm serious.Shut up".

"You know what it was?It was Eleven.The girl-"

I cover her mouth with my hand.

"Stop talking.You're gonna get us killed".I tell her.

"You're serious?".Max asks as I uncover her mouth.

"I really wish I wasn't".I reply.

"Prove it".Max looks up at me.

"Um....I can't".I tell her.

"So what?I'm supposed to just trust you?".Max says.


A car pulls up outside.

"Shit I have to go".She grabs my hand."Um....don't follow me me out".Max says and she runs out the door.

Max's POV.

"The hell I tell you?".Billy asks after I get in the car.

Shit,he saw me talking to Y/N.

"I'm not late".I reply.

"You know what I'm talking about".Billy says.

"Oh,Y/N?".I say.

"She has a name now?".Billy says.

"It's a small town ok?We weren't hanging out".I tell him.

"Well,you know what happens when you lie".Billy says and drives off.

To Hold You | Max Mayfield X Fem!ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz