4 The Sauna Test

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(TW.There will be violence)

Y/N's POV.

I pedal to Max's in the pouring rain.My hair soaked and my clothes drenched even though I'm wearing a rain coat.Luckily,I bought some spare with me.

I couldn't handle being in the same house as him.It angered me too much and I felt like at any moment I would burst.

I knock on Max's door and she opens it.She is suprised to see me but she still pulls me in.

"Jesus Y/N,you're soaked".Max looks up at me. "What are you doing here?".

"Um,my mom let me come over".I say.

Max pulls me into the bathroom and closes the door shut.She hands me a towel and I take my bag off.

"Get changed.I'll wait for you in my room".Max says.

She walks out of the bathroom.I take my wet clothes off and throw my pajamas on.I dry my hair and walk out of Max's bathroom.

In her room,El is sleeping on the bed and Max is sat on the floor.She looks at me as I sit down next to her.

"Did you guys find out anything?".I ask.

"The bag owner is a girl called Heather.We went to her house since the manager said she wasn't at work and Billy was there".Max replies. "Something was off".

"Like what?".I say.

"They just seemed....weird.I don't know,we'll figure it out later".Max looks at me.

The next day,we are woken up by Max's radio going off.It's Lucas.I don't listen to what's happening until the phone rings and I groan.Max gets up to pick it up.

"I'm sleeping.Go away".Max says.She's about to hang up but stops.

El and I look at each other.

Max puts the phone down and turns around.

"What's wrong?".I say.

"Mike told us to come over to his house.He said something happened".Max says.

After we get changed,we cycle over to Mike's house.I don't have a good feeling about this.We knock on the door and Mike lets us in.

"I didn't think it was anything at first".Will says as we all sit in a circle in Mike's basement. "I mean,I think I just didn't want to believe it.The first time I felt it was at Day of the dead".

"Power went out that night too".Mike says.

"And then I felt it again at the field near the Nelson farm the next day.Then again yestarday outside castle Byers".Will says.

"What does it feel like?".Max asks.

"It's almost like,you know when you drop on a roller coaster?".Will replies.

"Sure".I say.

"Yeah".Max says.

"No".El looks at him.

"It's like everything inside your body is sinking all at once but this is worse.Your body,it goes cold and you can't breathe.I felt it before whenever he was close".Will says.

"Whenever who was close?".Max asks.

"The mind flayer".Will replies.

"I closed the gate".El says.

"I know but,what if he never left?".Will says. "What if we locked him out here with us?".

Will grabs a peice of paper and chalk and we gather around the table.Will starts drawing the mind flayer quickly.

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