44. ** No Life Without You**

Start from the beginning

"Emma, let's just go home." He looked at me, sounding defeated.

"No, I'm sorry. Let's go sit back and I'll tell you what is up, okay?" I tugged at his hand. He looked at me then sighed and started walking back to our table without a word. We sat back down and he looked at me, waiting for an explanation.

"I'll tell you, but promise not to do anything about it." I looked at him hopefully.

"No, not before I know what the matter is." He shook his head and I sighed because I knew he was going to say that anyway.

"Look behind you. You see that couple, two tables away?" He shifted in his seat and did as I told him.

"Uh, the woman in the gold dress and the guy in a black jacket?" He asked looking back at me.

"Yep. Guess who they are?" I pursed my lips together.

"I don't know. I've never seen them in m-" His eyes widened.

"Matthew and Melinda?" He asked, teeth clenched and hands about to fist.

Oh, the gesture I love the most.. Focus.

"The one and only.. I mean, the two and only." I shook my head and his eyes softened.

"Are you okay?" He held my hand and asked gently.

The butterflies never die with this man.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just the first time ever I see them together like that. And the first time I see Melinda after that night. So I was just taken for a second that's all." I explained.

"I understand." His hand went up and caressed my cheek for a moment.

"Now, let's go, say hi." He suddenly stood up with a big mischievous grin.

"What?!" I almost had a panic attack.

"Come." He took my hand and started dragging me again.

"No, Dean, no! Don't be crazy!" I yelled in a whisper.

"Come on, baby. We have to take revenge." He put an arm around my waist, pushing me, as he whispered in my ear. His breath tickled my neck and I visibly shuddered. He smirked for a second before sending me a wink and..

"Excuse me, Matthew?" Dean narrowed his eyes at him.

"Uhm, yes. How can I help y-" Matthew's eyes landed on me two feet behind Dean.

"Emma?" Melinda instantly moved her gaze to me.

Honestly, she looks really beautiful tonight.. what is wrong with me?

"Yes, exactly. Emma." Dean held Matthew's black jacket in his fists and halted him up to his feet.


"About that night." Dean's fist drew back for a fraction of a second then went flying to Matthew's jaw, sending him to kiss the floor.

"Oh, my god!" Melinda stood up and took back a few steps from the table while all everyone in the restaurant stopped what they were doing instantly.

"That's for making her cry, you son of a bitch." Dean leaned down to Matthew who was checking his jaw with a few drops of blood coming out of his mouth.

"Dean!" I rushed to his side and held one of his arms trying to pull it back.

"Emma, stay ou-"

"Baby, people are taking pictures. Please, he's not worth it. Come on." I pulled at his arm harder until he let go. We stood back up and he wrapped a possessive arm around my waist after straightening his gray Jacket.

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