She pulled on it, and a small cloud of mist gathered around her hand taking the form of the sword again.

Change Of View

They had won, so all the kids were gathered around in the ice cream parlor, each one laughing and talking about how they totally destroyed the other team.

Stiles sat off a little to the side, eating his own hot fudge sundae.

Ally had always loved playing football, she had done soccer when she was four, a little t-ball phase when she was six, but as soon as she caught her first football she had fallen in love with it.

She wanted to play throughout middle school and high school, of course that would mean tackling and that brought along a whole new set of worries for Stiles. Mostly ending with her on a gurney, with her leg broken.

"You've got quite the receiver for a daughter," One of the Mom's commented.

"Thanks, wish I could say she got it from me, but...I wasn't exactly the top athlete in high school.

"What'd you play?"

"Lacrosse," Stiles said, taking another bite of his ice cream,"Basically it's field hockey but with nets on the sticks."

Stiles stopped, he felt something strange, almost like his heart was being burned. Looking up he saw Ally was coughing, wheezing.

Standing up, he ran over to her,"What's wrong Ally?" He asked, looking around, and he saw ice cream with sliced strawberries in them.

"Damn it," Stiles said, his eyes wide with panic, picking her up as she continued to cough,"Where's the nearest hospital?!" He shouted.

"Ninth and Woodrow!" Someone shouted.

"Get out of my way!" Stiles shouted, shoving people out of the way.

As soon as he stepped outside, he took off running, already knowing that there would be too much traffic for an ambulance to get through.

He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, his feet barely touched the ground. He weaved between cars, horns honking at him.

Stiles jumped onto the hood of a car, jumping from one to the next to cut across the road. Ally kept coughing in his ear, telling him that he had to go faster.

He can't lose her, he can't. Finally he got into the hospital,"I need help!" He shouted, and a team came rushing in with a gurney.

"What's wrong?" A doctor asked.

"M-My daughter," Stiles said, laying her on the gurney,"She's--She's allergic--" He couldn't finish the sentence.

Looking inside her mouth with a flashlight, the doctor said,"It looks like anapholatic shock," He said as they started pushing her away, when Stiles tried to follow, he was held back by a nurse.

"Sir, you can't go past this point!"

So Stiles was sent to the waiting room, the second time in the hospital in less than three days.

His phone started buzzing, and he saw that it was Hope,"Hello?" He said, his voice ragged.

"How's Ally?" Hope asked, sounding like she was driving.

"How did you know about--"

"Some guy took a video of you jumping on cars, now you're all over social media," Hope replied,"Which hospital are you at?"

"Ninth and Woodrow," Stiles replied,"Are you on your way here right now?"

"Yeah. Call it concern for my student," Hope said, then she walked in through the hospital doors, hanging up the phone,"And I'm already here," She said out loud, making Stiles look up.

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