Chapter 52

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Nia and Wyn had decided that they must see this much-talked-about man. Not only did they hear of him from the tittle-tattle of elders, but even kids' circle had started to talk about him. Of course, those other kids were soon shut down. That wasn't the case with Nia and Wyn.

Even though the two had no familial parental figures to keep a watch on them, they were still well protected within the village. However, they were freer than the other kids. Freer to sneak around at least. They had heard of rumors that the mysterious man was living with the priest, and intimidated as they were by the elderly man, they couldn't hold their curiosity for too long.

They knew where he lived, and also knew of his routine for the shrine rituals. As soon as he left that morning, they stalked him, and after making sure that he must be staying away for a while for good, they went to his little house. They entered the pebbled backyard like thieves.

"We should have come with Maren," Wyn said regretfully, feeling a little like a traitor.

"Keep your voice down. We must first make sure that the guy isn't insane or possessed. If it's safe, we will bring her next time." Nia said in whispers and took a small notebook from her back bag.

"We will write down whatever we see today. This way, we will be ahead of everyone else in our observations on him." They had decided to undertake this crucial endeavor for a few days now and she had been preparing for this since last night, arranging for everything they might need. Along with something to write with and on, she had prepared at least two meals for both of them, if at all should they need time for their research and it gets dark. Along with that, she had packed some extra eatables in case the man demands it after smelling the aroma-even though Wyn said her food wasn't great enough to entice him-or if he is bored eating the type of insipid stuff they had seen as offerings in the shrine. 

 If they do get caught, she would have to bribe him with the small trinkets she had gotten from the carnival even though she would hate to part with them. But if that was what it took to pacify him to not attack them if at all they got caught, she would have to make this necessary sacrifice. In the worst case, they would have to use the small wooden sling they had carried, but it would be used strictly only to halt him and not to injure him greatly.

Even with all that, there was still a risk, and she was explaining what to do to Wyn in case it comes to that.

"You don't need to worry about me. I am much faster than you. You will definitely get caught first if he comes after us," Wyn said with a sigh.

"I am bigger and smarter when it comes to handling such matters." She said smugly and then continued.

"That's the problem, you are just too big," he said with a snicker. The girl was tiny and barely looked her age. Nia decided to ignore his caustic remarks for now and continued with her explanation.

"Anyway, we will first climb the tree in the backyard. From what I have estimated, we will be able to look through the window. Even if it won't be clear, we will get an idea of his whereabouts within the house. We should get an idea of whether he is in the room facing the window or not. If he is, we will try to observe him first. If not, we will have to put into action the other plan we discussed. Do you understand?"

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