Chapter 11

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She flew in the dark till she could see a formation of lights unlike any in nature. They were numerous yellow lights burning steadily at a distance at the foot of hills, and every once in a while, she saw multicolored lights going up in the air like small fireflies flying skywards and then extinguishing before they could reach the clouds. As she flew nearer, the lights started getting larger. She stopped mid-air when she began to hear some strange, unknown sounds. She waited for a while with some apprehension but then started to approach, now slower than before. These sounds, even though unfamiliar, were so magnetic that she was drawn to them. When she reached nearer, she could see tiny frames and entities that she did not recognize. To not be seen, she landed down a little further away from the lights and looked at the strange events while hiding behind a tree on a hillock.

The sounds that she had followed had stopped coming by now as the flute, and the harp players were taking a break before the next performance but at some other places, some people were still singing and dancing. The entire grounds were lit by lanterns, lampposts, and bonfires, and the beautiful, sparkly dresses of women walking around reflected the faint glow from these lights as if they glowed and then faded in and out of the idyllic beauty. Some children who were otherwise forming a crowd near sweets and toy shops were scattered by half and started gathering around whosoever was launching sky lanterns of different colors from time to time. In some time, a few young women in long-flowy golden dresses started coming on a small wooden stage and dancing as the music started playing again. 


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She walked nearer, hiding behind the many decorated tents and coming closer to listen and see from as near as possible. She felt a strange sensation as the notes kept getting higher and the hairs on the back of her neck stood, and she got shivers running through her body as she struggled to keep her wings still folded and hidden even though they were strangely trying to come out. Overwhelmed by the sensations, she tried to move back a little when she hit something and turned. Because of the shock, she fell on her hip as she sat while trying to support herself by placing her hands on the ground.

"Hey, can't you..." A young boy said. The child was cut short as he looked at her. For a while, both of them gaped at each other in astonishment. She looked at the relatively smaller and rounded face, hands, and legs of the child. Even though she had been looking at people from afar for a while now, she still could not make complete sense of the way a child looked.

"Who...who are you?" he asked after a while.

On receiving no answer, he said, "Wait right here...I will bring someone...Don't go anywhere till I come back!" he ran somewhere in a hurry while frequently looking back to check if she was still there and he kept shouting "Wait there" every once in a while, till he disappeared amidst the crowds and the tents. 

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