Chapter 4

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With each new day, it swam further into the ocean. Now that it had already removed itself from the shell once, moving in and out of it was no longer an effort. By now, it had started to resemble something like a human who had just outgrown a child and had begun to develop into a female form. It had long dark navy-blue hair that looked almost black unless if the day was bright enough to discern the real color, and these long tresses contrasted with its pale white skin under which almost every running vein was visible. But more than these, what marked it different from any human were the two long, slim, and pointed yet delicate aureate wings and the pointed aquamarine silver-golden eyes that were so markedly different in their quality that they neither looked nor felt human. In presence of light, faint and intricate patterns of colors of the ocean emerged and disappeared on the wings and when the wings were unfolded in the water under the moonlit night, it looked a being so altogether unearthly and eerie that its beauty would not be immediately noticed and would be partly lost somewhere in the shock at its appearance if there was someone to look at it. Thankfully, that ocean was just the right place for beings who could otherwise not live elsewhere.

At first, it ventured only during the day, but the silent waters of the night were as beautiful when one forgets, even if for a moment, what all goes on in those waters especially when it gets dark. When it swam or flew in the water with its long wings, even the big and strange predators didn't come close to that golden light and when it swam surrounded by blue jellyfishes, it looked like a flame or lamp moving in the dark ocean with blue tapering ends. The crimson pearl was always safe in the shell where nothing except the being could come and go without being strangled and ripped apart by the giant tentacles. 

It never went much towards the surface since it could feel the rays of the sun and the winds too strongly, even when trying to go upwards. Just as land-dwellers would usually not dive too deep into the ocean unless if struck by a madness of one kind or another, it stayed in its world which was so much more vast and diverse. Also, just as men are enchanted and marvel at the spheres that they do not fully know or understand and hence make stories revolving around them, it thought that sky was another large ocean and the birds were something like fishes with wings, or something like itself but only smaller, and when it could not see them in the dark, it imagined them returning to the stars or the moon where they could be living just like it returned to its shell during.

 The being just knew every creature and entity on sight but did have a certain way of feeling about them. It looked at one of them and then another, told them apart, thought something about how they differed from one another and where they could be living, and then drifted along.

It had only ever known a residual of feeling once or twice to never feel it again, but one of the nights when it returned to its shells, the pearl had gone missing, and its entire body froze after which it started rummaging the entire shell, and scanned all the directions in the ocean around itself. When it looked up after a while of searching, it saw a little red shining light going up towards the surface. It opened its wings, and faster than an eagle or a shark, flew in its direction.
The pearl reached the surface of the water and it extended its hand to catch it when another hand touched the tip of its finger for a very brief moment after which that hand pulled back and as if electrified, the winged being pulled its hand back as well and swam into the depths of dark water again but while doing so, it had caught a bare glimpse of two crimson eyes looking through its blue eyes into the water. 

Till now, it was as if a veil of fog was spread between its eyes and heart in which it only drifted and the clearest of the morning skies, the sun moving with the screen of moving water as seen from below, the far-stretching galaxies and planets, ...

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Till now, it was as if a veil of fog was spread between its eyes and heart in which it only drifted and the clearest of the morning skies, the sun moving with the screen of moving water as seen from below, the far-stretching galaxies and planets, the many changing phases of the moon each night, the things near and the things far by, were always distant as if looked at from this veil at all times. But this sudden shock jolted all of its senses, and acutely feeling the pressure of the perception and a certain emotion, it swam back faster than on seeing giant monsters, to the deepest and the darkest region that it knew. From then on, it avoided the surface like a fawn avoiding a lion's den.  

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