"Eddie? Eddie?" I say frantically, and I look over to see him standing behind the kitchen counter, and I look at him confused. I open my mouth to speak, but I glance over to see a girl standing there pointing a gun at me. I frown, putting my hands up, but Eddie puts his hand out to stop her.

What the fuck?

She looks at me for a moment, then she looks back at Eddie, lowering her gun. "Are you okay?" I ask, and I fully open the door, walking into the kitchen. I set the walkie-talkie down on the table, and Eddie looks at me confused as he walks over to me. "It hasn't been that long, are you okay?" He questions and I glance over to the mystery girl, trying to get him to understand that I can't say anything in front of her, whoever she is.

"Can you give us a moment?" He asks her, and she hesitates, but nods, walking out of the room and into another one, shutting the door behind her. I look at him weirdly, but I shake it off, beginning to talk.

"Who is that?" I ask, and he looks at the door, and then back at me. "That's Jackie."

"Who's Jackie?" I ask, confused as to why when I was about to have a heart attack to find him, he was sitting in the kitchen with some girl I'd never seen in my life. He smiles at my question, and I look at him even more confused. "My dealer's sister. Speaking of, I have an idea. What if we stay here, instead of the motel? It's free and it's still hidden." He says, and I blink, still trying to process everything.

"Do you know them well?" I ask. Why does he expect me to sleep in his dealer's house with his dealer's sister?

"I trust them. It's fine." He replies, and I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. He changes the topic, trying to go back to why I'm here. "What happened though?"

"Jason and the rest of those basketball freaks are looking for you. He's angry about Chrissy, and they're on some sort of manhunt for you." I say, sitting down on the couch, and he sits down next to me. I'm glad he's okay, but I'm still pissed he didn't keep the walkie-talkie on him.

"I'm not worried about Jason and his friends." He shrugs, and I keep the same serious look on my face. "What's wrong? I'm not worried about those assholes."

"I'm not saying you should be, but you should be." I say, trying to get him to understand what I'm saying.

"What, you don't think I can take them?" He asks, jokingly flexing my muscles, and that's what finally makes me smile. He smiles as well, and I just shake my head at him. He's good at turning bad situations into good. "Have you ever been in a fight?" I joke back.

"Plenty." He replies, and I look at him in disbelief, there's no way he's been in a fight. "When?" I ask.

"I've had many fights with my uncle.." He trails off, continuing to joke around. I laugh at him, but I know he's just trying to change the topic. "Tell me what really has you stressed out." He says, putting his hand on my leg which nearly makes me scream.

"Lucas is with them, and he says they're crazy. I just don't want him to find you and try to do something crazy or call the police or what if these people aren't trustworthy and they tell the polic-" I ramble, and he cuts me off, pushing my hair behind my ears and placing his lips on mine. At first, I'm shocked, but I couldn't help but kiss him back. He pulls back, looking at me, and I nearly melt in his big, brown eyes.

I know we shouldn't do this, but I can't stop myself.

"Can I kiss you again?" He asks, and I nod, and he immediately crashes his lips into mine, gripping the side of my face with his hands. I smile, continuing to kiss him, not wanting to stop.

I put my fingers in his hair, pulling him as close to me as I could.

He grabs my waist, pulling me over to sit on his lap. His hands on me sends chills down my spine, and the feeling is euphoric. I have to control myself though, we can't keep going, we can't go too far.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن