"It's just a bat." I say, and Dustin groans, knowing that we're going to continue to argue about it.

"It's MY bat." He replies, crossing his arms across his chest. "You're a toddler."

"Find something else." He shrugs, and I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying not to curse him out. "Do you have anything else? I'm not leaving him here with nothing while Jason pretends to be a fucking vigilante, and we don't have time to take him back to the motel."


I stare at him, and he stares back. We both don't blink, waiting for each other to give in, but I refuse to let him win. I could tell that Dustin and Max were looking at us like we were crazy, but I continue to wait for Steve to break.

The silence is extremely loud, but I could tell that Steve was close to giving in. He squints his eyes, and so do I as I wrap my hand around the bat.

"Fuck. Fine, fine, but if he breaks or loses my bat, that's on you." He finally breaks, and I smile, getting out of the car and walking towards the little shed. Max follows slowly behind me, and I tell her to stop as I walk into the shed.

It was empty, too empty. I look at where Eddie was sitting and I see the walkie-talkie that he is supposed to keep on him at all times. I sigh, trying not to get too worried about it, and I pick it up, walking back out of the shed and handing it to Max.

"He's not in there?" She whispers, and I shake my head no, looking over at the unrecognizable car. I think about what to do for a second, turning my head to look back at Max. "Go back to the car."

"What? No, I'm not leaving you alone." She argues, and I groan, throwing my head back. "Max, please, for once, just listen to your older sister." I say back, and she doesn't budge.

"I am fine. If I'm not back out in 10 minutes, then you can come in." I say, and I can tell she is thinking about it for a second before she finally gives in. "9 minutes, 58 seconds and counting." She says, looking down at her watch, and I nod, walking away from her.

I walk to the back door of the house, trying to peek in any window, but they're all covered. I try to open the door, but it's locked.


I try to remember what Hopper taught me about picking locks, but honestly, my mind is blank.

"Promise me that you won't use this kowledge for anything stupid, kid." Hopper says, and I laugh at him. "I promise, it just might come in handy one day."

"Hopefully, you won't ever have to do this." He says as he explains the different objects that I could use to pick different types of locks. "See this knife? It serves multiple purposes. If a boy ever breaks your heart, I'll use it to break into his house, and then use it to stab him." He says seriously.

I giggle at him as he stabs the air, pretending to stab someone. "I got it, Hop, I believe you."

I walk to the front of the house, looking under anything that might have an extra key hidden under it. I cover my face in frustration, trying not to yell.

Everyone has a spare key hidden somewhere, and just becuase this guy is a drug dealer doesn't put him out of that list. I look at the car again, trying to remember where I've seen it before, but I look away, trying to focus on finding the key.

I look under a nearby rock, and I hear a jingle. I look down to see that a key had fallen on the ground. I pick it up, rushing to the back door again, sticking it in the lock. I struggle, but I eventually get the door open, and I walk in, scanning the room for Eddie, or anyone else who might be in here.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now