Date with Weiss

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Naruto had finished his date with Ruby and is resting at his team's dorm with his teammates who have the same purpose. He received a message from his scroll that read.

Dear Naruto,

Ruby told me about your date with her and I too would want a date with you. I would like to have a dinner with you tonight. I also have a special surprise for you if you're game.


Weiss Schnee.

Naruto instantly replied through his scroll.

Dear Weiss,

I would like to have a date with you. May I ask where and when?"


Naruto Uzumaki

The reply he received was just as instantaneous as the first telling him that the he needs to be ready outside of the academy at 10:30 sharpish. Naruto looked at the time and told his teammates about it then left.

Naruto waited outside and when 10:30 hit, he saw black limousine, its windows were completely black and cannot be seen what's inside anymore. It looked like it had seen a carwash three times over.

Emerging from it was Weiss Schnee herself in her usual huntress attire. Naruto detected no makeup but even then her face was shining. Weiss noted the look on her face and enjoyed it.

He eventually recovered and said. "Greetings hime."

Weiss blinked. "Hime... what does that mean?"

"Princess." Naruto answered with Weiss repeating the word again and loving how it sounds like.

Weiss stepped aside and opened the door for Naruto, gesturing him to enter. She entered the car after him and sat beside him. Naruto was no stranger seeing limousines like this because of his time with the Yotsuba but it was still a surprise for him to see Weiss go this far for their date.

"This is very unexpected of you, Weiss. But this is great." Naruto said.

Weiss replied with amusement in her voice. "Quite. Only the finest are acceptable for my date. I've had this car cleaned and my very efficient driver at the wheel. On the restaurant where we're going to, I shall expect people turn heads at me when I'm hand-in-hand with a very handsome man." Her face and tone softened at the end.

Naruto felt like he got sucked into the past. Truth be told, he never thought of himself as handsome, before and after the operation on him, he didn't believe that his eyes would make up for the physical appeal.

They sat like this for the rest of the ride. Naruto felt Weiss place her hand on his thigh and was assured of its comforting weight.

They arrived at their destination and Weiss got out first and Naruto wondered when will he get out. His answer was given when Weiss opened the door and extended a hand to him.

He took her hand as he exited the limousine and finally took a good look at where they are now.

'The Table at Season To Taste. One of the most expensive restaurants in this kingdom.'

Naruto saw Weiss extended an elbow to him and asked. "Shall we?"

"Let's." He replied as he scanned the people around the steak house and saw that most of them are of noble class and none of them are Faunus.

Weiss whispered to him. "Pay them no heed. They'll do nothing so long as you're with me."

"Let us hope so. The fact that I'm a commoner and a Faunus at that isn't helping matters." Naruto whispered back.

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