Chapter 4,Getting Used To A New Life

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5 years had gone by Rose was now 15 years old and had settled quite nicely into her new home,her bonds with Lucy and George grew stronger every single day.
The one person who had been with her since she was a child,Eric Ryder had ended up falling in love with her,he had previously dated Kelly,but he loved Rose and only Rose now.

Despite having a new life and a fresh start there was one thing that kept Rose from having complete happiness,her school life.
Girls would pull her hair everyday and trip her up meaningly in the corridors.
One girl was the center of it all,Kelly Miller.

She was not modest at all,a typical American teenage girl,full of plastic and gossip.
Blonde hair covered head to toe in hairspray.
Blue eyes that looked innocent and sweet,but behind them a beast.

14th May 1923

Rose was walking into her next english class when she was stopped in the corridor by the usual group of girls who despised her.
She nervesouly clenched her books and hid her pen quickly into her cardigan.
Her hands started to profusely sweat,it was a sign that she would usually start to cry,

"Well would you look who it is,little miss

The other girls began to laugh.

Kelly brushed back her hair as she pushed Rose onto the ground,she had injured her head,

"What's your problem Kelly,what have I ever done to you?!"

"Oh you've done everything Saunders,even taken the one boy who I loved away from me,Eric."

Rose rolled her eyes,it made Kelly enraged,

"He chose me not the other way around,he deserves someone better than a plastic doll like you."


Kelly pulled Rose outside,the other girls were screaming and chanting


Kelly soon tossed her onto the grass,Rose's face became covered in mud,the grass scraped her face leaving scarlet,red blood dripping from her cheek.

The teachers heard the commotion outside,they saw Kelly and Rose ripping each other to peices.

Rose snapped.

She slammed Kelly onto the wall on her back,she punched her in the face with such a force that it broke her nose.

Her friends fussed over her like a swarm of bees,each one of then with a deadly sting.


The english teacher,Mrs Giselle yelled from the staff room.

But Rose could nor care nor hear what she was saying,she was repeatedly punching and kicking Kelly.

She realised at once and stepped back with horror...there was blood all over her hands.


Lucy came to the school after Mrs Giselle had rung her from her classroom,she was so disappointed in the girl,she should've known better.

Eric ran out of his classroom when he heard about his childhood friend,he saw her crying and immediately kissed her upon the cheek.

"I will take her to a psychiatrist first thing in the morning,this is not you Rose,your parents didn't raise you like this,neither did me and George."

She sat numb watching the raindrops fall onto the car window on the way home that evening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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