Chapter 3,8 Ashford Way

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Rose hopped into the car with Lucy as George clumsily stumbled and there went the cases.

Rose started to feel bubbly in her stomach,but with a feeling of joy that felt like it would burst out at any moment,she clenched the section of her light-blue dress that she so very much adored and burst out with bellowing laughter like a jolly giant,Lucy was stunned,she soon laughed too,


His cheeks went a bright red,but with all of the laughter he stepped into the car so that the three could be on their way to their new home,soon they were in the country side and considering the time of year it was,the sun was steaming the earth and the farmers sweating over thier freshly planted,ripe crops.The smell of sweet,beautiful,child-like flowers,tingling her nose hairs softly.

As the car drove faster and faster in the bracing wind,Rose could feel the exhilarating feeling of the unknown,her new life was just beginning.

"We're here!"

Lucy cried.

The little girls eyes darted toward the small but functioning cottage where George started walking to as he shut the car door with a great use of force.

Butterflies were around the flowers encased in the meadow of this quaint little place,it was like a world in itself really,the roof was made of hay that was at least a decade old.On the front door of the cottage there was a knocker that was rusted and worn,it had witnessed many events.There was also a larger gate leading into the back garden,it was couldn't be described as nothing else but beautiful.

The roses climbed up a trellace that was enticing and made you want to climb with them.A set of iron garden chairs and a table were sitting rather sadly,painted a snow white.There was also a shed perfect for George to fix and tinker with the endless amount of projects he was always fiddling with.

"Well Rose,do you like your new home dear?"

"Yes,Lucy,I will be happy here."

She replied to Lucy as her eyes welled up with tears.

The couple then grabbed Rose's hands and lead her into the inside of the cottage.

The furniture that had been moved there had been placed with presicion,even if a little bizarre.
The beige living chairs and sette with duck egg coloured cushions with gold tassles complimented the setee.The china ornaments protected by a glass display case with oak wood door frames around it.The bedrooms were fitted to each of thier personalities,Lucy's kind and simple,George's a little scruffy but neat and Rose's fitted for a princess.The bathroom was embellished with light blue tiles and everything fairly clean and light.The kitchen adequate for all dining uses.

Rose smiled at George and Lucy,the three stood proud of their new home.

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