Chapter 2,A Dreary Morning And A Pleasing Breakfast

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The next day,

Lucy opened the curtains carefully,trying not to awake Rose,as she snuffled in bed against a little bunny George had brought from a store nearby Hotel Acile,where they were located for the time being,

"Rose,wake up my dear,we have a long day ahead of us today,we are getting a house for us,to start anew."

She woke up with tears adorning her face,her pillow was wet from crying,Lucy stroked her hair back from her face as she twiddled her bedsheets silently,

"I promise Rose,everything is aligned in the stars for you,there is hope out there for you,I can feel it in my heart."

Rose smiled at Lucy a little,whenever she was next to her she somehow felt safe and secure no matter the situation,Lucy was about 43 years of age,with dry but comforting hazel hair and a long,straight cream colored dress with a green,fleecey cardigan on top of it and leather black boots,with a little golden locket that had a picture of her and her fiancé,George in it.The two had discovered they were for each other for their grief of Margaret Edwards being brutally tortured,

"Let's get you some breakfast,you look hungry."


Rose shouted as Lucy stopped at the white door frame,she picked up the coat of Inspector Evans she had received the night before,she wanted to take it with her to remind herself that,even the slightest things help with your fears.

The two then proceeded down to the steps of the hotel that were made of wood,Hotel Acile was small and compact but the wallpaper was a elegant olive green,and the floor was dark blue carpet as they walked into the dining section,where George was stuffing himself with kippers from the night before in the dinner of the hotel and porridge that was slightly sloppy but smooth,just how he liked it,and a simple pot of tea,

"Good morning,George,already starting without us I see!"

George chuckled as he has just finished a rather good cup of tea,he smiled at Rose as she smiled back slightly at him,

"Good morning you two,how did you sleep Rose?"

"Alright I suppose Mr Stanley..."

George responded to Rose dazed,

"Call me George you silly,little,beautiful child!"

Rose ran up to George and hugged him as he was reading the latest edition of The Telegraph,but his face quickly turned to disgust as he read the newspaper,

"Newspapers...full of rot."

"Indeed George now come along,there's a car waiting for us outside,it's taking us to our new home in Carlisle,in the north."

"Oh alright Lucy...I'll hurry myself."

Rose chuckled slightly as he picked up his jacket as Lucy checked out of Hotel Acile,picked up thier cases of things they had got from Fafell House a few hours previous and set off for Carlisle to discover their new home.

For the first time ever,Rose felt like she had a real family.

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