Chapter 1,Leaving The Past Behind

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19th September 1919,

That was the day that made me what I was going to be,it drove my career even more,I can't get it out of my head.

I was always the one left out.

Lights shined on the young girl,she didn't even dare to look at what was behind her once more,she then heard footsteps approaching her closer and closer,it made her whole body shiver,as the person walked and walked further to her,she felt a familiarity with them.The lights highlighted the figures features,she knew it was a man,the shoes he was wearing were in tatters but they were somehow pristine,at least to her.

The man spoke to her,then revealing a woman behind him with short hazel hair that was rather dry,but she had a nice warm personality,

" god,you poor little thing..."

It was George and Lucy.

Oh how glad she was to see them,she leaped onto George with desperation,then getting her soft hands into his slightly oily,slightly grey brown hair.
Lucy then bent down and hugged Rose as she cried softly in the comfort of George she named,'The Gentle Giant',

"Let's get you out of here my dear,you must leave all memories of this alley behind,you need a new start,George dear,what do you say we stay at the little hotel across the road for tonight and then look for a new home for us all tommorow?"

George cleared his throat before speaking,and picked Rose up and held her hand as she shook weakly with fear,

"Yes,that seems adequate dear,we will do that,for now...let's get this little girl somewhere warmer and safe."

Lucy and George then was taking Rose out of the alley and drying her sore little eyes from tears when a police inspector walked up to them,

"Excuse me,is this the child of the victims?"

Lucy nodded and revealed Rose's face that was buried into her shawl,she felt absolutely horrid doing that to Rose after what had just happened to her,but how could she refuse the police?

"How sweet,a little girl she seems cold,she's shivering all over,poor little"

The police inspector then invited Rose to get down from Lucy's arms and come to him on the ground,she was frightened as she felt a choking sensation in her little throat,but she then was shocked when the police inspector gave her his coat,

"Go on,it's alright I won't bite little one,take it,you need it right now."

She then shyly and softly took the coat from his grasp and pressed it onto her face,it was incredibly soft for the weight it weighed,heavy and soft was just what she needed,she then spoke for the first time in 3 hours,

"Thank...thank you,Mr..."

The police inspector smiled pitifully at the child,with some sense of heroicness,

"Mr Evans,Inspector Jack Evans little one,if this little girl should ever need me,don't be afraid to call me,Mr Stanley,Miss Chapman."

"We won't inspector,thank you awfully."

Inspector Evans then walked into the night,disappearing into like a magic act,Rose then leant into Lucy and George as they hugged her once more and walked among the fog and mist,toward the hotel.

She was drowning in uncertainty and fear.

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