(09) Wizard Underground

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(One large disaster and a long walk later)

'Welcome to the real Hex Tech!' Zoe said, spreading her arms wide. 'Back here we charm the mortals' electronics into shape and use the cash to fund our own mystical pursuits.' Zoe said, walking past several magicians and opening the door at the end of the hallway. There were gasps from Steve and Krel, but for Alice and Douxie this was a normal Tuesday. It was good to watch the others' be so excited, though.

'You guys should be safe here. I have to go back.' Zoe said, looking up at Douxie. 'Do not break anything.' Douxie warily lent back against the wall, away from his partners' wrath as he could get.

'Ha. I wonder how long you'll be able to manage that.' Alice said, smiling. 'Particularly with this lot.' They jerked their finger over at Krel and Steve, who were experimenting with the floating boxes Zoe had left around.

'Do you have anything in here that could stop ancient evil wizards?' Toby asked. 'It'd be nice to have a moment to catch our breath.'

'If the order has their way we won't be breathing at all.' Merlin replied. 'Nari, tell them what we're up against.'

'Since the beginning the order has always sought to protect the balance of magic and mortal, no matter the cost.' Nari began, walking to the safety of Merlin's hand. 'But our actions only brought pain.'

'I've spent a millennium keeping their horrors at bay. But it wasn't enough.' Merlin said.

'Bellroc and Skrael believe humanity is lost, beyond correction.' Nari continued, walking towards the computer screen and creating a small green butterfly, turning the screen into a picture of a forest. 'Now they want to end it all. They search for the Genesis Seals.'

'What are the seals?' Claire asked.

'Cute but deadly sea animals. Duh.' Steve replied, flippantly. Douxie chucked, and stepped forward towards Steve.

'You wish. It's the oldest tale in the wizards books. Primal seals that contain the very essence of magic.' Douxie said.

'If the seals are broken then raw uncontrollable magic shall rise upon the world, wiping it like a flood.' Merlin stated.

'Come on! Destroying the world? Again?' Krel and Alice groaned.

'All of the arcane order must be present to open the seals. That's why I fled.' Nari contributed.

'I've hidden the seals away. But we must keep them from Bellroc and Skrael. Away from Alice and Nari, or it is the end of all things.' Merlin commanded.

'Why must the apocalypse always have some connection to me?' Alice sighed, sitting on the floor. 'First it was Morgana, and now this. I just want to rest; wasn't fighting Douxie for several centuries (and only finding out halfway through that we're magically connected) enough of a punishment?'

Douxie then slumped onto the floor next to them, taking their hand. 'It'll be alright, love. We'll find a way to fix this. Both you, Nari and Jim will be safe. I just have to convince Merlin otherwise. You know what he's like, right?'

Alice nodded in response. They did indeed know what Merlin could be like; as they'd been witness to countless arguments between him and Morgana. They could only hope this next inevitable one wouldn't take too long.

(Approximately five minutes later)

'I will not jeopardise the mortal plane for one troll!' Merlin yelled, causing both Alice and Douxie to facepalm in exasperation. 'The risk is too great for a rescue! We must keep Nari and Alice safe from the order. The fate of existence is at stake!'

'This is why nobody likes you, dude.' Toby said, from the corner.

'I care not for your likes!' Merlin replied. 'James Lake is corrupted, gone! There is no bringing him back.'

'Or you're just too stubborn to try! Douxie bought Alice back, and they're both fine!' Claire rebutted.

'Please, you both have solid points.' Douxie sighed, placing his hands out to his side in a mediating way.

'Our presence causes discord.' Nari said, looking up from where they were seated on Alice's lap. 'I have put you all in danger.'

'No worries, veggie lady.' Steve comforted, patting Nari on the head. 'You are under the protection of the Knights of Arcadia. Which is only me, currently.'

'Thanks, Steve.' Alice said, with a smile. 'That helps.'

'I will not jeopardise the mortal plane for one troll!' Merlin shouted.

'It is what he'd do for us.' Claire replied.

'And look where that got him!' Merlin said.

'What?' Claire questioned, making all the lights in the room flicker. 'Come on, back me up here! Anybody? Archie?'

'Don't look at me. Cats don't have the right to vote, and neither do dragons. Yet.' Archie replied.

Douxie then raised his head from the table. He looked as if he had an idea.

'Wait a tick. I know how we can rescue Jim without risking the world.' Douxie said. 'And if it works, it'll be quite the little magic trick.'

Alice stood up from the floor and walked towards Douxie, wrapping their arms around his shoulders.

'Whatever you decide to do Doux', just come back to me safe.' Alice whispered, holding his hands tight as he began to explain his plan.

' Alice whispered, holding his hands tight as he began to explain his plan

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[ Author's Note ]

I would have written the battle at the beginning, but the last chapter is like 50% battle and I just can't be bothered writing any more action that I have to. I hope you enjoyed this part despite that. :)

6th July 2022

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