(04) Witch Hunt

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'They're hunting Jim! If they catch him he'll be killed!' Claire cried.

'I know, and he's not the only one.' Douxie said, his glance flitting to Alice and then back to Claire. 'Because of us, Arthur's now fated to eat the big one too!'

'Eat what? Oh, no, was I supposed to bring food?' Steve asked, the gate clicking shut behind him.

'He'll be eating a death sandwich Steve.' Douxie replied.

'Ugh, gross. Who'd want to eat that.'

Douxie groaned, and Alice rolled their eyes. 'Uh, look. If Arthur dies we lose the battle of Killahead, and the war.'

'Which will probably mess up time so much you won't ever be able to return home.' Alice stated. Then suddenly the time map changed, and the image of Toby in his armour triumphantly holding his hammer aloft faded and he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

'What's happening to him?' Claire asked.

'The future--our future--is vanishing.' Douxie replied. Then, as he watched it, the time map switched to a timeline where Arthur and Morgana were united.

'What's that?'

'W-well that wasn't there before. It's a new timeline. One where Arthur and Jim live.' Douxie said, a surprised tone in his voice.

'And Morgana's the hero? I thought she was destined to become Mistress Doom?'

'It looks like there is a possibility, if we get Arthur and Morgana to reconcile, then somehow nobody dies.' Alice replied.

'I'll keep an eye on Morgana. Douxie, you work with Arthur and Steve, make sure the knights don't kill my boyfriend or Douxie's partner.'


The Woods

Alice almost fell off the branch they were perched on when they noticed the person in the midst of the rest of the trolls. They were wearing a dark blue hood, under which appeared to be a head of dark brown hair. Somehow none of Alice's travelling companions had noticed them; so that meant they had to be using magic. So, Alice summoned their feathers and jumped off their perch, heading into the woods after the figure in the hood.

Behind them, unbeknownst to Alice, was the procession of Arthur's men; headed by the king himself. The Future Alice, Archie and Douxie were riding at the back of the group alongside Merlin.

Alice was very glad that Douxie hadn't made them transform into a horse, but they weren't sure that their current situation was any better.

'Merlin! You have to look at the Time Map!' Douxie yelled. 'We found-'

'You! You defy my command when the king's life is in danger! Need I remind you that we trespass on Gunmar's territory?' Merlin said angrily, speeding past the small trio. Douxie groaned and sped his horse up as well; causing Alice to tighten their grip on his belt.

'But Master, I found a new line of fate! We can save everyone, if Arthur and Morgana-' Douxie said. But suddenly he was cut off as his horse stopped unexpectedly. He gripped the reins tighter, so as to not fall off.

'They've entered The Wild Wood. Abandon the horses. We head in on foot.' Arthur said, stepping off his horse.

So, Alice unhooked their arms from around Douxie and stepped off the horse. They could feel the call of the woods, pulling them in (which was usual for them, but today something felt off. What was going to go wrong?)


Elsewhere Alice was not having much luck and they'd run out of options. So they lifted their arms up and summoned a golden bubble; trapping the figure inside it. This was a spell normally used when hunting, so Alice was very thankful it had worked on a human. Hopefully it wouldn't take much energy for them to keep using.

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