(03) History in the Making

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The 12th Century (again)

Besides Alice Jim nudged himself awake, and moved towards the bars of the cage. Alice shook the hair out of their eyes and pushed it behind their (now owl-like) ears. They must have transformed fully to survive the fall, and been arrested by Lancelot and his knights for it. Typical. Hopefully it wouldn't take the others long to get Jim up to speed.

'Claire? What are we doing at a Renn Faire?' Jim asked.

'We're prisoners in the, uh, dark ages. I'd say Mid-12th century with no way home. It is not an ideal situation.' Douxie said.

'Ideal? Jim has a shard of evil magic in his chest!' Claire yelled.

Alice shifted next to him, turning to inspect the wound. At the same time Douxie leaned forward and placed a hand on his chin.

'Actually, I'm still hurt. But it feels different now.' Jim said.

'Mordrax's miracles! He's right! When we jumped back in time the corruption must've frozen itself in place.' Douxie exclaimed.

'Uh. Seems I've missed a lot. Don't you work at the cafe?' Jim queried.

'Part time. Thanks for always tipping, by the way.' Douxie saluted at Jim, making Alice smile.

'He's Merlin's apprentice.' Claire said. Jim looked at Alice, who nodded as confirmation.

'It's a long story.' Douxie and Alice said, once again talking at the same time.

'Open the portcullis! We have foreigners awaiting judgement.' Lancelot yelled up at the guards on the Camelot towers.

'Nah, no worries. Camelot's my old turf. Just follow my lead. Be inconspicuous.' Douxie said. Alice rolled their eyes; this was sure to go well.


When the small group (plus the knights of Camelot) entered the throne room Arthur was in the middle of blustering about the GummGumms living in the woods.

Wow, I didn't miss this. Alice thought.

'Here are the trespassers my lord.' Lancelot said, kicking Jim and Alice towards the bottom of his throne.

Arthur leaned forward to inspect the two of them. 'Trolls? I thought I made it clear that your kind are unwelcome when I banished you from our realm.'

'Don't you mean betrayed?' someone yelled. The small group turned their heads, to see Morgana stride into the room. She appeared to be agitated. Behind them Alice could hear Claire make an annoyed noise, only to be silenced by Douxie.

'You gave the woods to enchanted creatures like these. You'd break that vow?' Morgana reprimanded.

'These beasts care not. Especially not that spy of Gunmar's.' Arthur threw back at her.

'Stop calling me a beast!' Jim yelled, thrashing against his chains. Arthur's xenophobic comments must have been getting to him. Perhaps being in Camelot wouldn't be the best thing for them. The knights that had been behind Jim rushed over and pushed the pair of them into the floor. Beside Alice Jim raised his head, staring up at Arthur.

'Wait, Gunmar?' Jim asked, confused.

'Your highness, uh, good to see you again.' Douxie stepped forward and bowed; perhaps sensing that things may go wrong at any moment.

'And you are?' Arthur said, leaning forward in his chair to inspect Douxie.

'Hisirdoux, Merlin's apprentice,' Douxie said, gesturing to himself and then to Jim and Alice. 'I assure you they are no threat.'

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