Chapter 19: The War Has Begun

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"What can you do against me, Father?"

Marcarita smirks at her beloved father while Whis manages to save Shin's life and bring him away from the battle. Erah forms a blast and launches toward the fallen Angel, who easily avoids with little effort. Then, both engage in a ferocious fight that slowly rips the universe apart. Erah punches, and Marcarita dodges. Marcarita retaliates by firing countless energy blasts, and Erah responds with a larger and more powerful sphere of energy. The fallen Angel avoids it; the explosion wipes off the entire galaxy. The Universal Guardian is in total disbelief: That bitch rivals her power and treats her techniques like child play. How is this possible?

"You..since when did you get this much power?" Erah asks with frustration.

Marcarita chooses to answer by flexing a portion of her full power. All the gods are amazed and shocked at the display. The Grand Priest raises his eyebrow as Marcarita quickly delivers a stunning punch in Erah's face and kicks her far away from the scene. "I hope that answers your question," Marcarita smirks and turns her attention to her father.

"What do you think, Father? Is this enough to match your supreme power?"

The Grand Priest approaches his daughter with calmness as usual.

"What you are doing is shattering the balance of the multiverse. Marcarita, your selfish actions have obliterated unnecessary lives. This terror must end here, right now!"

"There's nothing you can do to stop me, Grand Priest. Your stupid laws will not constraint me. I'll destroy everything you valued and kill you with my hands." Marcarita swings her staff in an attempt to attack her father, but the Grand Priest catches it with ease and blows her away with a glare. Before he could do anything further, Marcarita utilizes Solar Flare and flees the scene as she knows she is not ready to take on the strongest fighter of the multiverse. She also hides her energy signals so no one will find her whereabouts. Everyone returns to the Palace and tries to consume everything. An Angel dared to lay her fingers on one of the Universal guardians and challenged the authority of the Grand Priest? All of these had never happened, ever. 

Of course, The Grand Priest is furious! That was the first time a child of his attempted to attack him with malicious content and insult the very foundation that created the balance of the multiverse. Unforgivable!

"Gods and Angels! I have an announcement to make!" The Grand Priest breaks his long silence.

"What Marcarita did was unforgivable and could not be ignored. Her presence poses a threat to our universes. Therefore, I shall now lift the laws of Angel and allow Angels to participate in this conflict. Deities, you must do everything you can to protect the multiverse." The Grand Priest summons his staff and murmurs some words in the language of the gods.

"I have stripped Marcarita's status as a Guide Angel; she is now a fallen Angel. I will find ways to overcome her protection from my eradication. However, should you engage in a fight with her, you may eradicate her without a trace on my behalf." The Grand Priest finishes his words with his eyes closed.

The gods are in for another shock! That's a death sentence for Marcarita. They are also advised not to disturb the Kings regarding Marcarita's situation, or the whole existence as they know it will disappear in a blink of an eye. After that, the gods return to their universes and prepares for a multiversal war. 

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