🧜‍♀️Mermaid Mishaps part 2✨

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Author's note:

I'm back! With the second part of Mermaid Mishaps just as promised!
I could tell many people enjoyed the first part.

I barely managed to release this part because high school is a pain. Too many projects, tests and assignments to handle. School sucks :(

Also, gonna randomly add a new title incase this concept becomes an actual story/wattpad so I don't forget: My H2O Aquadamia: Mermaid Mishaps!

Anyway, into the chapter:


After the whole ordeal that had occurred in gym gamma, Uraraka, Izuku and Todoroki were called to Aizawa's class after school. He'd then ask the girl about her presumed fear of water and many instances before.

Uraraka tried to lie, she really did, if only to keep the existence of mermaids under wraps. Izuku helped her out. Todoroki just quietly witnessed the whole thing, visually not sure what to do other than to answer questions sensei asked him.

Unfortunately for the pair, Aizawa wasn't buying their excuses and attempts at fooling him. So they reluctantly had to tell him everything.

And Aizawa's reaction was quite an interesting one.

"So, you're saying Uraraka is a mermaid?"

The trio nodded.

"And that whenever she touches water, she turns into one?"

They nodded again.

"Well, that explains it I guess." The homeroom teacher sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose in lack of sleep.

"Wait, you believe us?" Uraraka said.

"Yeah. Because if you weren't telling the truth, I'd know."

Uraraka sweatdropped from his remark.

"Now, if you don't mind, I'd like you to demonstrate."


"You being a mermaid, I mean."

"O-oh! Right!"

She looked around the classroom for a moment. "There's no water to manipulate..."

"I can help," Todoroki quickly summoned some ice in his palm. "Here."

"T-thanks." Uraraka then began focusing on the ice Todoroki still had, moving her right hand ever so slightly, her face filled with much concentration.

The fire and ice boy could feel his hand gradually becoming wet and the ice losing it's solid form. A minute had passed, until...

"You did it!" Deku said in amazement. Uraraka had successfully transformed the ice into a liquid state using her additional mermaid powers.

"Impressive. I reckon this could come to use with your hero training."

"It could... but I'd like to keep my mermaid powers a secret, if that's okay?"

Aizawa thought for a moment. "Alright, but only for a little while. At some point, you'll need to use those powers of yours if you ever want to become a hero. They're quite useful, and there will be a time when they're needed the most."

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