- Love Advice -

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-- Takes place in their second year of UA --

- Support Course Deku AU -

- Quirkless Deku AU -


Izuku was busy in the Support course lab, focused on brazing the pieces of metal together with his safety shield mask on to protect his face.

'Just a few more grazing and fixing up and my creation will be complete!' He thought excitedly as he was finishing his invention.

Though his thoughts would be interrupted sooner or later.

The sound of the metal entrance to the support lab opening and a seemingly familiar greeting startled him.

"Yo! Hey man, what's up!" A hero course student, known as Denki Kaminari, called out happily.

Izuku flinched slightly, but kept his nervousness under control. He greeted back.

"H-hey Kaminari! What brings you to the support lab?" Izuku switched his brazing torch off and placed the rest of the safety equipment (the shield mask) further on the work table.

Upon hearing Izuku's question, Kaminari sighed in slight sadness.

"...I need advice on girls." Kaminari stated in defeat.

"...Huh?" Izuku's face showed that he was clearly baffled by the unexpected question.

"Yeah, I knew that would happen." Kaminari jokingly said, then added, "Here's the thing...I h-have a crush on a girl that I really like."

He nervously rubbed the back of his head as he continued. "She's one of my classmates by the way. I'm not sure if she likes me back, but she constantly teases me all the time, so..."

"W-wait, you're asking me for love advice?" Izuku interrupted. He couldn't believe one of his only friends, who was confident, kind of a flirt (and maybe a pervert, he wasn't sure) was nervous over a girl.

"I mean, yeah dude. I knew you wouldn't laugh at me for that sort of thing, so I thought, 'why not?' " Kaminari blatantly said.

"But I'm not exactly the 'love expert' you'd hope to get love advice from."

"But I mean, you have a girlfriend though! That must mean you know this sort of thing, right?"

"Kaminari, just because I have a girlfriend who loves me and I love her back does not mean I'm a love expert." Izuku reasoned with him.

"Aw, come on man!" Kaminari exclaimed in defeat. "Can't you at least tell me how you met Uraraka so I can get an idea of what I'm supposed to do?"

"Hm..." Izuku thought for a moment. He wasn't exactly an expert at love, but he didn't want to leave his friend with no idea on what to do.

"Okay, fine..."

"Thanks bro! You're the best!" Kaminari happily exclaimed.

"So it all started two years ago, at the day of the entrance exam..."


- 2 years ago -

- The day of the entrance exam -

He was finally here...he was actually in front of UA!

'I'm actually going to be a hero!' Izuku excitedly walked along with multiple students also present to try out the entrance exam.

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