Part 4

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Monday finally came around. It was my first day of school and work.

How exhausting can this be

Attending school and showing up to my classes, all seemed like they were going to be easy. However, Mr.Hixen said that we were planning to start learning about human behavior and get to know the body and why we do certain things.

It kinda sounded fun

Classes were finally over, and I probably looked like a mess. I threw on some blush and headed straight to work. It was only about a fifteen-minute drive which wasn't terrible

Having thought to myself What does this Scott guy look like? How was I supposed to keep my cool if Aidon saw me mess up in a way? The thought of embarrassment was starting to get to me.

Aidon's patience and politeness were almost comforting to me at the end of the interview. Despite the fact that I was shaking like a maniac in there.

Parking at the closest spot near the entrance, I pulled the sun visor down that had a small mirror attached making sure I didn't look half as terrible. I mean, I wanted to make a good enough impression without coming across as a some slob

Walking in I saw Sky. She immediately saw me and came over and hugged me and said it was time to get to know the place.

Walking to the back to get an apron, I tied it in a nice tight knot and walked back to the front.

''Alright Sky, I think I'm ready now''

Looking beside her stood this tall muscular man about 6'4 with dirty blond hair.

This dude could take my life he was so dreamy

Was everyone who worked here hot in some way?

She looked at me ''Ella this is Scott he is the one actually going to train you if you don't mind?''

Hesitant ''That's alright!''

This man-made direct eye contact and I swear I almost passed out. In his eyes, it was almost like looking at a clear blue sky.

''Nice to meet you'' He shook my hand with a firm grip.

''You as well''

''Shall we begin''


'' I'm planning to show you where we keep things in the back like the coffee filters the decaf coffee and the tea and other things of that nature''

''alrighty'' I said with a low whisper

''You know I can sense that you're nervous, if I may ask what's causing that?''

My heart felt like it was about to explode.

It's not like I had a tall hot ass guy talking to me and It felt like I was messing up whenever I hadn't even started.

''Just worried I'm going to mess up, I guess.''

''Love, you have nothing to worry about. I promise this job is easy. All of us are here for you every step of the way, okay?

''Ok, I'll take your word on that''


He called me love how in the hell were these men going to stay off my mind?

He took the next fifteen minutes or so showing me where everything was in the back and took his time which I really appreciated. It gave my nerves time to calm down before I had to start making actual drinks.

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