Chapter 33

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This was it........the delicious looking cake that was in the fridge would soon be in my mouth.... oh God if I could savour the moment, I would have-....

"Nora!" Chrysanthos is disapproving voice rang in my ears for the hundredth time

"What?" I moaned when he thrust into me too hard and I moved up the bed, hitting the headboard. I lifted a leg up and hooked it around his hip.

"Will you pay attention and stop thinking about food right now?" he groaned and lifted a heavy hand to my breast that was sensitive enough "Jesus Christ" he gritted through clenched teeth before biting down on my neck "It's like you get fucking tighter every time I'm in you"

"You feel so good" I almost cried at the intensity of the pleasure flowing through my body and the thought of the chocolaty cake I was going to devour after this. Ever since the news about the baby Chrysanthos had been fucking me and feeding me like I was a starving woman.

"Come" he spoke harshly "Come now" and on cue my body let go and I came hard around him. He came shortly after and moved off me, pulling me on top of his sweaty body.

"That was some hot afternoon fucking" I commented "What brought that on?"

"When I saw you bending over in your panties, I lost it" he smiled sheepishly and chuckled when I smacked his shoulder. His hand moved to my stomach when it made a loud noise making my cheeks heat up "How about we feed you"

"Yes!" I exclaimed before bunching up the bed sheet, leaving him naked on the bed "Are you coming?"

"Yes, I just need to put on some sweats first" he easily stood up

"I like you naked" I giggled

"I know but I don't think Lysander and Meg would enjoy a view of my cock when they get back" I watched his naked form walk to the bathroom "Wait here" resisting the urge to roll my eyes I impatiently shifted from foot to foot.

As soon as the door closed I was sneaking out to the bedroom and walking into the clean kitchen. I wasn't worried about being caught because everyone else including Bambi went out for lunch. My eyes darted around when the smell of chocolate hit my nostrils. Once I figured out where it was coming from I ran to the covered plate on the table.

"He's such a sweetheart" I mumbled as I settled and picked up the fork laid out beside the plate. It didn't take long for me to stuff the thing into my mouth.

"Nora" Chrysanthos squeezed my waist making me squirm "I told you to wait"

"I couldn't" I spoke with a mouth full of cake

"Don't speak with your mouth full" he scolded before kissing my lips softly and making his way to the fridge. I smiled at him and took a last bite of the cake.

"Thanks for setting the cake for me" I walked over to the sink setting it in the sink. Chrysanthos is eyebrows furrowed

"Cake?" he questioned

"Yeah the chocolate cake I just scoffed down" I chuckled

"Nora we don't have any cake here" he answered looking around, like he missed something

"Yes we do... I was just eating it" I argued back

"No...You were eating cereal" his eyes became darker and he stepped towards me "Are you okay?"

As soon as the words flew out of his mouth something switched in my body and whatever I just indulged started to make its way up my throat... It felt thick and acidic. My vision started dotting and my body started becoming weaker

"Nora" Chrysanthos is voice sounded faint as though we weren't standing side by side

"I'm fine, I-" and just like that the hot liquid rushed out of my mouth and all over the sink and my hands. It was a black liquid that looked like ink "Chrysanthos" I panicked between breaths as more started coming out

"Baby" Chrysanthos is angry voice pulled me in but then a loud ringing noise that I swear could have burst my ears echoed in the small kitchen

"Shit" a curse left his lips. Tears filled my eyes, making everything unclear as I tried to stop everything

"Make it stop" I screamed as the tears fell down. I felt his warm fingers touching me and then retract like something burned him. I could tell he was trying everything...

"Chrysanthos" the ink looking liquid wouldn't stop.

"No Damn it!" he roared loudly and then his touch returned around my waist and he pulled me close to his chest before he dipped his head down and bit down my neck hard. The liquid was all over us and the floor "Stay with me Nora" he snapped, biting the other side if my neck... I felt him sucking whatever toxic thing that was in my body out but it wasn't enough.

The baby....oh God...My cries became louder and louder with each passing minuet

The thought of losing it again ran through my head over and over and over as my body started giving up fight "No, No... NO!" We dropped to the floor and he ripped the bed sheet off my body, roaring and trying to bite every place he could reach when all of the sudden a dark figure ran passed us quickly and whenever I tried to speak, it was like my throat was being squeezed. The figure ran closer... close enough for me to see its face and that's when everything stopped and so did my breathing...

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