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TW: Mentions of sexual assault

Dallas had taken Buck's car for the day, he had no idea who had put their hands on his best friend, but it wasn't going to happen again. He knew Johnny was probably worried sick at home, like some house-wife. But he didn't have the time to think about it, all he knew was that there was some sick bastard roaming the streets. 

Currently, he was on his way to Two-Bit's house, he needed some sort of backup, and lord knows where Steve was. That monster better wish Steve gets to him first, I'm going to fucking kill him. Dallas pulls up in front of Two-Bit's house and blares the car horn, of course, a crash comes from inside the house. He probably startled Two-Bit or his mother.

A few moments later, Two-Bit comes out onto the porch, "What the hell Dallas? It's like eight in the morning!" He yells, Dallas glares at him and honks again.

"It's eleven o'clock, dumb fuck!" Dallas shouts.

"What do you want?!"

"Someone beat up Ponyboy! We're gonna kick his ass!" Dallas answers, instantly Two-Bit runs back into the house and comes out again just as fast. With a beer in hand, he runs down to the car and hops in the front seat.

"Let's do this," He says, shutting the door.


Back at the house, Johnny was currently getting berated by Darry. As soon as Dallas took off, Darry walked into Pony's room and saw his kid brother barely breathing. Of course, he called out immediately and dragged Johnny out of the room. Clearly, Johnny and Dallas knew something that Darry did not.

"You better start talking right now Johnny Cade, what the hell happened to Ponyboy?!" Darry yells.

"It wasn't me! I swear!" Johnny cries.

"I know it wasn't! But you know something! Tell me what happened,"

"From the beginning or just today?" That question alone sent Darry off the edge.

"HOW MUCH TO THE STORY IS THERE?!" He yells, Johnny flinches and the front door swings open. 

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Soda asks walking in, Steve joins him and look at the two confused.

"Why don't you go look in your brother's room Sodapop," Darry suggests angrily, Soda stares at him confused before running into Ponyboy's room.

He comes back out, worried and a little nauseous, "What happened to him?"

"Well good ole' Johnny here was just about to tell us," Darry answers, the three boys all stare at Johnny. He was like a deer in the headlights.

"I..." He stopped, he didn't know what to say, he felt a little set up by Dallas. Johnny looked down and clutched his fists tightly. "It started, a couple of weeks ago...."


Currently, Dallas and Two-Bit have gathered up a few other greasers. Most of the surrounding gangs were on the lookout for some sicko near little boys. A few innocent bystanders or pedestrians had already gotten questioned or yelled at, just for standing in one spot for too long.

"Jesus man, was Ponyboy even awake when you left?" Two-Bit asked, he was devastated to hear the news of his younger friend.

"Nah man, but I didn't want to wake him up either....when I found him, he just couldn't stop crying. It took hours for him to finally stop," Two-Bit shook his head and stared out the window.

"Poor kid, can't believe you found him like that,"

"Yeah man, it was rough, not to mention Steve just left him there? Like what the hell?"

"Good thing you left Johnny back there man, can't have anything happen to him either," Two-Bit said, Dally's jaw clenched at the statement. Dallas let one of his boys get hurt, and he couldn't believe it.

Johnny and Ponyboy meant everything to him, and one of them was attacked in one of the worst ways imaginable. Now, the other one probably had the crap scared out of him. How could I let this happen?

As the greasers continued to drive around, they began to reach Soc territory, but none of them honestly cared. They weren't going to stop till this person was behind bars or six feet under. And with how angry and livid the boys were, it was likely six feet under.

Eventually having to stop for gas, Dallas stepped out of the car, only to see mustangs begin to pull in. Son of a bitch, not today. Dallas banged on the hood of the car and yelled, "Get your blades out!" Following instruction, the other boys stepped out of the car, blade in hand.

The cars basically circled around and closed the greasers in, no chance of escape. They began to pile out of the car and yell different slurs at the boys.

"Out of your territory grease," One of them said, stepping closer. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, "You know where you belong."

Dallas took a deep breath, before responding. "We're not here for you guys." It sounded cowardly, but Dallas didn't have time for this. He was willing to back down if it meant tracking down the monster sooner.

"Oh yeah? What the hell are you over here for?" 

"Gas." Two-Bit answered, Dallas glared at him and another greaser elbowed him in the stomach.

"Ignore him. Someone hurt one our own, we're looking for him,"

"A greaser? So what-"

"Let me finish. It's not what you think," Dallas explains, "Who we're looking for, they're after little kids, greaser or not." 

The Soc froze, and the crowd fell silent, many looking at each other worriedly, "You mean? You mean a-"

"I do." Dallas said, "And instead of finding him, you're holding us up here." The Soc paused for a moment, he didn't know how to respond. He knew full well they all wanted to beat the shit out of these greasers for coming into their territory. But, he also knew his younger sister was currently at the park right now, with his even younger brother.

"You know what he look like?"

"Nope, the kid hasn't woken up yet."

The unnamed Soc felt nauseous, his eyes narrowed and he looked away. "Get your families inside!" He yelled, "And after?! We're on the lookout for any weird guys hanging around or hiding!" He screamed, he didn't look at Dallas again.

The Socs went back to their cars and drove off instantly, Dallas stood there silently, a little relieved that they believed him. Two-Bit stepped forward and looked at his friend, "Dallas?"

"...We gotta find him."

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