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As much as the two would like to believe, kisses and hugs don't solve the world's problems. Especially not the problems of Dallas Winston and Johnny Cade. However, it did tend to ease the pain, at least a little bit.

Dallas gently kissed Johnny's knuckles before smiling at him, "I came up with a pretty good idea last night," He said sweetly. Johnny sighed and leaned back against the wall, shutting his eyes, he whined.

"Not today Dallas, my back still hurts from the other night-"

"No, stupid! A different idea, I promise," Dallas says, "Think of it as a surprise, a good surprise." Johnny looked at Dallas, a little unsure about it.

"We're not robbing anyone, right?" Johnny asked, opening his eyes.

"Alright, no more guessing, you're gonna piss me off." Dallas snapped, releasing Johnny's hand. Johnny chuckled and sat up, kissing Dally's cheek.

"Fine, let's go, better not being something stupid," Johnny said smugly. He enjoyed annoying or teasing his boyfriend, it was too funny to resist.

Dallas reached over and grabbed a strung out backpack. The two got up from the floor of Dally's room, and made their way out of Buck's place. Resisting the urge to take Johnny's hand, Dallas led the way out and around town. The two made small talk, Johnny usually liked to talk about Ponyboy, or the books his best friend would read to him. Dallas wasn't necessarily one to use his imagination, especially not the way Ponyboy did, but he didn't mind listening to Johnny. Whether it was because it was actually mildly interesting, or because he just liked how invested Johnny was, Dallas was set on it. He could listen to Johnny for hours. 

As they made their way to the outskirts of town, Dallas went astray from the roads and took an abandoned route through the trees. Johnny was a little hesitant about disappearing into the green, Darry was always very strict about travelling around town. Johnny and Pony could only go so far, but Johnny knew better than Pony, Darry just wanted the boys to stay safe. Dallas only traveled a few feet before turning around, Johnny was timid and staring up at the trees.

"Come on man, we're almost there," Dallas complained. Johnny took a breath, but could only step back. Dallas looked at him sadly before stepping towards him, no one else was around, so what does it matter? Dallas stuck his hand out and gestured to Johnny for him to take it. "It'll be alright man, I promise."

Johnny's wide eyes stuttered between the trees and Dally's figure, he would never hurt me. Not in a million years. Johnny took a step forward and grabbed Dally's hand, Dallas smiled and kissed his lips quickly.

"You'll be alright, we won't go too far in," Dallas reassured him. The two walked further into the wooded area, with Dallas leading most of the way. 

Just as Dallas said, they didn't go awfully deep inside, but Johnny was surprised to see an open lake. No one else was around, just the two of them. "I know, we haven't done much romantic stuff, so I thought this could be our first date, you know? We can't really date in public, but it's private here, and safer," Dallas explained. Johnny smiled and stepped closer to Dallas, he slid his arms around Dallas and leaned comfortably into him.

"It's perfect Dal," Johnny said softly. Dallas smiled and held Johnny closely, he rubbed his back and kissed his head.

"I'm glad to hear that, come on, let's sit by the water," Dallas insists. They pull away and sit on the rocky shore leading into the lake. It wasn't as soft as sand, but Johnny didn't mind, this was the same boy who didn't mind sleeping in the park. "Just like those romance movies you watch with Ponyboy, huh?" Dallas asks, the backpack was open and he was showing it to Johnny. Inside were two large sandwiches, and glass Cokes. Dally's version of a picnic.

Johnny glared at Dallas and quickly snagged the bag, "They're not romance movies." Johnny muttered, Dallas chuckled softly and pinched his cheek.

"Whatever you say babe," He said condescendingly.

"You're sleeping on the floor tonight," Johnny snaps, he turns away and digs into one of the sandwiches.

"Don't act like that," Dallas laughs, he scoots closer to Johnny and wraps an arm around his waist. Johnny unwraps the other sandwich and raises it to Dally's lips, giving him a chance to eat. Dallas smiles and leans forward, biting a chunk out of the sandwich.

It wasn't like it was in the movies, and not as romantic or pretentious as some may have liked, but it was enough. It was enough for the two of them, the perfect amount of romance for Johnny, and the right amount of practical and easy for Dallas. They didn't stay for an obscene amount of time, but just long enough for a great first date. And even long enough for Johnny to forget about the pain in his lower back.

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