Chapter 1: Autobot City

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We then cut to a shot of three Decepticon jets (Lugnut's C-130 Hercules along with a SU-47 and a Taranis UAV drone) flying towards the Death's Head as it hovers above one of Unicron's horns sticking out of the ocean, Megatron staring at the massive metal structure from the bridge of the ship with Blitzwing and Flamewar standing by his side, Flamewar putting her hand on her hips exclaiming "It's a giant metal spike, I don't see what's the big deal" with Megatron saying "that my dear Flamewar is the horn of Unicron" followed by Lugnut in his C-130 Hercules mode being followed by two other Decepticons, a Sukhoi SU-47 berkut (Cyclonus) and a Taranis UAV (Scourge) dock into the ship before transforming into their robot modes for Lugnut to introduce Megatron to the new recruits that he found while scouring nearby planets: Cyclonus the warrior, and Scourge the tracker. the two pose with their weapons, Cyclonus with his swords and Scourge with his retractable red energy claws. Lugnut tells Megatron that Strika and the Combaticons are en route to Autobot City, followed by Megatron debriefing to his crew, showing them a holographic image of the Anti-spark. Megatron explains to his followers that the Anti-spark is the opposite of the Allspark and the source of Unicron's power. Megatron goes on to say that he plans on traveling to Earth's core so that he can obtain the anti-spark for himself and make himself a god, and when he does he'll unleash an army of the cybertronian undead. Cyclonus asks Megatron how they're gonna get to the planet core, and Megatron tells him that they're going to have to find the location of Unicron's maw first. Blitzwing notices Flamewar walk away, asking her where she's going. Flamewar tells him "to pay a visit to old friends" before shutting the door on Blitzwing while Scourge asks Megatron "what's her problem?" Blitzwing rebutting with "she's always been like this since she joined our ranks" with Megatron saying "Flamewar is too consumed by her thirst for vengeance, it is a distraction from our true objective" After that, we cut to the Autobots Hot Rod, Crosshairs, Drift, Red Alert, Knockout, Wheeljack, Perceptor, Chromia, Moonracer, and Elita-1 in their vehicle modes driving through the Pacific Northwest until they come up to a giant metal wall at the dirt road's edge heavily guarded by armed guards including Santos and Epps who welcome the Autobots back before Epps radios Director Fairborne who grants Team Prime access into Autobot City driving through the futuristic highways where we get to see that the Cybertronian refugees have built a thriving community for themselves on their new home, once the Autobots enter the docking bay of their new HQ, a command tower smack-dab in the center of Autobot City looking over the shining futuristic metropolis (which is surrounded by a giant metal wall to keep the Decepticons out) where they transform into their robot modes to take the elevator up to the top of the tower where they meet up with Director Fairborne alongside Chip and Elise who both serve as the new tower base's Mission Control, Wheeljack and Perceptor having a happy reunion with Chip and Elise along with Wheelie who beeps in excitement while rolling around the two Autobot scientist's giant feet while Fairborne explains that S.T.A.R.S. moved their base of operations into the control tower after the completion of Autobot City in order to keep a closer eye on the Cybertronian immigrants, saying that it's good to see them again, Chromia making the snarky comment "so what did we miss?" while Moonracer says "Hopefully nothing exciting" Director Fairborne telling them not much outside of keeping the city's giant robot residents out of trouble. Lennox then arrives on the scene with the commandos in their army jeep with Verity riding in the back Verity leaping out of the vehicle to have a happy reunion with Hot Rod Lennox explaining to Director Fairborne that he had to temporarily leave his post to pick up Verity from school, Verity running around the new base geeking out over how cool this place is. Director Fairborne tells Verity "you came just in time kid, the wreckers are coming back from patrol" and right on cue the Wreckers Bulkhead, Ultra Magnus (a blue-and-white Kenworth wrecker truck), Prowl (a black-and-white Dodge charger police car), and Springer (a tan-and-army green armored buggy) in their vehicle modes arriving at the docking bay before taking the elevator to reunite with their fellow Autobots, Hot Rod telling Bulkhead "good to see you too big guy" as he is being hugged by the burly Autobot wrecker followed by Springer telling Bulkhead that's enough followed by Bulkhead and Springer roughhousing forcing S.T.A.R.S. personnel to take evasive action to avoid getting crushed by the two giant robots while Red Alert says "don't hurt yourselves you two, I'd rather not be stuck welding you back together!" Director Fairborne saying "I'd be more worried for something other than their own safety, doctor" while panicked S.T.A.R.S. agents run past her on their way out of the room. Prowl gives Bulkhead and Springer a look of disapproval making them cut it out. Ultra Magnus reports to Director Fairborne telling her that he and his Wreckers just got back from a successful mission stopping a black market cybertronian weapons auction in Budapest and that all weapons were destroyed, Fairborne telling him that's good to hear, saying that should be the last of them meaning (hopefully) we won't have another Cemetery Wind or Initiative on their hands ever again. Crosshairs makes fun of Ultra Magnus's giant hammer, telling him "that's a big hammer you got there, compensating for something?" followed by Prowl getting up in Crosshairs's face telling him "the commander of the Wreckers deserves your respect, that includes all of you" Crosshairs scowls at Prowl as he walks past him, Crosshairs calling Prowl "Dick" behind his back with Bulkhead saying "don't even think about picking fights with the Wreckers Crosshairs, we've seen way more action than you've ever had" while Drift and Knockout watch. Drift tells Knockout "this is normal, he's always had a temper" Knockout asks Drift "so is he your conjunx endura or what? you two seem awful close" Drift then tells Knockout "no nothing like that, in fact we couldn't stand each other when we first met. but eventually we learned to respect each other as comrades in the battlefield" Elita-1 then asks "so where's Optimus? he's been gone for a while. I'm worried for him" Fairborne explains that Optimus left for Antarctica a few hours ago and hasn't reported back since, presumably he went to the Knightship to go on another one of his vision quests. and right on cue, we see Optimus Prime in truck mode arrive through the groundbridge before transforming into robot mode to inform his fellow Autobots "Autobots, we must prepare ourselves for our darkest hour, for I have received a grim message from the 13th prime: The rise of Unicron is upon us". Fairborne asks Optimus "what is this crap I hear about a unicorn?" Elita-1 corrects her, saying "Unicron, the fabled chaos bringer. he is ever-voracious, if he is allowed to awaken he will never stop devouring planets in the known universe" Elita's words sending chills down the spines of all the STARS agents in the room Lennox comforting a terrified Verity. Fairborne however isn't intimidated saying "so this Unicron, is he some kind of Cybertronian boogeyman?" only for Optimus to say "no, Unicron is real. very real" before we cut to the Combaticons Onslaught, Swindle, Brawl, and Strika driving up to the borders of Autobot city, Epps and Santos along with a platoon of soldiers in mech-suits pointing their guns at the vehicles with Epps demanding the six to identify themselves, Santos notices the insignia on Onslaught's vehicle mode and turns his head to see Brawl turning his tank turret in their direction Santos exclaiming "They're Decepticons!" prompting the soldiers in mech-suits to open fire on the Combaticons prompting Onslaught, Strika, Swindle, and Brawl to transform into their robot modes Onslaught calling in Vortex and Blast-off for an air strike followed by Epps and Santos looking up to see Vortex and Blast-off in their vehicle modes fly in and rains fire down on the human soldiers killing several in the process before transforming into their robot modes mid-air to land and report to Onslaught. Epps radios Director Fairborne informing her that Decepticons are attacking the borders of Autobot city, Prime telling Ultra Magnus that he and the Wreckers along with Crosshairs and Drift will go out and defend the city wall while he and the others will stand guard around the base should they breach the wall before saying "transform and roll out!" prompting Ultra Magnus, Crosshairs, Drift, Bulkhead, Prowl, and Springer to transform into their vehicle modes (Springer now transforming into his helicopter mode) to deploy from the tower before arriving at the outskirts of Autobot city, the Combaticons opening fire on the Autobots who dodge the fire driving through explosions before transforming into their robot modes leading to a stand-off between both parties with weapons at the ready Ultra Magnus calling out to them exclaiming "Decepticons, lay down your arms!" followed by Swindle saying "sorry Autobot no-can-do, not unless you pay the price" Bulkhead noticing Strika among the group says "Strika, long time no see" Strika laughs, saying "look at yourself Autobot scum, you are surrounded. there's no escape!" as the Combaticons surround the six Autobots backing them into a corner Crosshairs saying "scrap" followed by Onslaught exclaiming "Combaticons, combine to form Bruticus!" the six Combaticons then combine forming the titanic gestalt Bruticus which is about to step on Crosshairs and Drift who are both rescued by Springer who transforms into his helicopter mode carrying the two Autobots into the air, Ultra Magnus radioing Director Fairborne to activate Autobot City's defenses followed by Chip and Elise pressing some buttons on the computer console causing turrets to pop up out of the sides of the walls prompting Ultra Magnus, Prowl, and Bulkhead to man the turrets lifting them to the top of the wall allowing the three wreckers to take aim and belt Bruticus with a barrage of rapid-fire energy blasts keeping the titanic gestalt distracted while Springer flies Crosshairs and Drift over Bruticus's back Crosshairs asking "hey Drift, whadda ya say we put some of Jackie's old inventions to good use?" Drift saying "I thought you'd never ask, old friend" the two whipping out a pair of grappling guns they fire at bruticus the hooks at the end of the cables digging into the giant's back allowing Crosshairs and Drift to zipline onto each of Bruticus's shoulders, crosshairs shooting at the back of Bruticus's neck with his twin pistols getting the giant combiner's attention causing it to turn its head while shouting "get a load of this you giant 6-in-1 monstrosity!" before Drift pulls out his swords and shouts "I say we aim for the nape!" Crosshairs looks at Drift in confusion asking "where did you get that idea from?" Drift shrugs and says "some Anime that the humans watch" only for Bruticus to slap the confused Crosshairs off his back with its giant hand causing Crosshairs to fall only for Drift to leap off and catch Crosshairs before stabbing his sword into the back of Bruticus's left thigh to stop them from falling causing Bruticus to roar in pain and stumble. the angered Bruticus then destroys the turrets one by one with the slap of its giant hand forcing the wreckers to eject and transform back into their vehicle modes to drive along the top of the wall as Bruticus kicks down the wall in a fit of rage causing the Cybertronian citizens of Autobot city to run and scream in panic as Bruticus stomps his way into Autobot city while Drift and Crosshairs climb back onto Bruticus's  shoulder and ready their weapons getting the attention of the gargantuan combiner who turns his head to Drift who shouts "hey ugly!" before throwing one of his swords into Bruticus's eye blinding the giant causing Bruticus to pick up Drift in his giant hand and throw him onto the ground, Crosshairs shouting "NO!" leaping off of Bruticus and grabbing onto Springer's helicopter mode followed by Springer transforming into robot mode to let Crosshairs rush to the injured Drift's aid, the Autobot samurai's body broken and in shambles. Drift says "Crosshairs... I can't feel my legs!" Crosshairs clutches Drift's hand and says "Don't worry, I promise we'll both make it out alive. Red will get you fixed up. MEDIC! MEDIC!" however Crosshair's cries for help fall on deaf ears. we then cut back to the command tower where Chip informs Director Fairborne that the Autobots have failed: the wall has been breached. Wheeljack says "that can't be good" while Wheelie rolls around the room beeping in panic. meanwhile Optimus, Hot Rod, Elita-1, Chromia, and Moonracer notice several panicking Cybertronian civilians running past them before Hot Rod turns around and says "hey Prime, you might wanna see this..." Optimus's optics widen as the towering Bruticus stomps toward the command tower prompting Optimus to order his fellow autobots to ready their weapons only for the battered and bruised Bruticus to collapse causing the Combaticons to separate followed by the Combaticons now too weak to fight back being apprehended by S.T.A.R.S. soldiers in mech-suits with Strika saying that they can't get away with this, Hot Rod asking what just happened. Director Fairborne radioing Optimus saying that these Decepticons will be locked up for interrogation hoping that they'll be able to find out what they're planning, just as we see Lugnut, Blitzwing, Scourge, and Cyclonus in their jet modes discreetly flying above Autobot city.

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