"Mom, I swear to god." Jennie's voice drops and she looks over the bar into the kitchen, but Lisa is too distracted with the holiday music as she hums it under her breath and moves about the kitchen cooking food. She's adorable but the last thing she needs to do is stare at her while her mother is also looking at her.

"Your father was my best friend before we started dating." Ji-ah places a comforting touch on Jennie's knee but the brunette can only feel her heart rate rise.

If her mother keeps on with this she'll ruin the progress her and Lisa have made toward the relationship Jennie would like to have and that can't happen. So she sighs in defeat. "Listen mom,"

"I know what you're going to say. Lisa's like my sister, we would never."

"No mom."

"But honey I know it's scary but it's alright to accept your feelings for her. I think you've had them for a long time I just didn't really realize it until I saw you both together again at thanksgiving-"

"Mom please." Jennie says kind of loud and flinches before she checks to make sure Lisa isn't listening. "I'm going to tell you something but you have to promise you'll drop this as soon as I do, you understand?"

Ji-ah looks at her suspiciously but nods her head.

Jennie takes in a deep breathe. "I am, in love with Lisa." She tells her quietly. She bites her bottom lip as her mother seems to assess this new information her daughter has given her. "But-"

"No buts Jennie, tell her." Ji-ah is persistent and there's determination in her gaze as she stares at her that it's almost endearing. It would be if it wasn't Jennie she was nagging.

"Mom." She warns and Ji-ah looks at her sheepishly and places a hand over her mouth as a way of apology. "Lisa asked me to wait for her a while ago, and so we've been slowly advancing into maybe possibly dating but we aren't there yet and if she hears you ranting off all this information she's going to freak out and get scared and you're going to mess it up so you have to stop."

"Wait, Lisa told you how she feels?" Ji-ah looks surprised by this information, like she knows something Jennie doesn't, completely bewildered and it's interesting but not enough to lead Jennie off of the warning she's trying to get through her mother's head so she doesn't mess up this slow progress that her and Lisa have made and will continue making as long as no one gets in the way of it.

"Not exactly, we were drunk at the time, but we've had moments and somewhat conversations about it but it's slow and this thing is delicate so stop." She's holding her hands out to emphasize what she means, like her mother needs a visible example to understand her.

She just really doesn't want her to mess this up. "Okay honest, okay."

"I really love her, and I can see myself marrying her but you can't go telling her stuff like that before she's ready to hear it okay." She further warns, staring at her mother with soft brown eyes as Ji-ah takes in all of the information her daughter has laid out on the table for her.

"I wouldn't do that to you. You want to marry her?" Ji-ah's voice is soft and full of surprise.

"I could see it." Jennie mutters honestly, voice almost a whisper as she glances behind her again to check that Lisa is still pre-occupied. The last thing she needs is Lisa to overhear this conversation and freak out.

"Jennie that's so great." Ji-ah's eyes tear up and she pulls her daughter into a hug, tight and suffocating and Jennie winces as she tries to hug her back.

"Okay mom, air circulation, cut off." She coughs as Ji-ah sniffs in her ear.

"Sorry," Ji-ah sniffs as she backs up. "I'm so emotional, Sung-Ho would be so happy. My baby girl's in love." She brushes her palm against Jennie's cheek admiringly and it's almost endearing but Jennie is still afraid Lisa will hear them.

You Make Me Feel (When I Feel Nothing) | Jenlisa [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now