Chapter 9

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January, 2021

"Jennie, are you kidding me?" Lisa's tone is angry, cold and vibrating through the phone and she knows she shouldn't act like this. Knows it's not fair too, but things have been weird lately, off between her and Jennie and now with this happening it only further confirms that Jennie is upset with her and just won't tell her why.

"No. I can't always come home to you Lisa. I have obligations, and other people that want to see me." Jennie's bite it harsh, her tone aggressive and angry and it makes Lisa shake where she stands in her living room, staring at the scenery she had perfectly set up to try and get Jennie to forgive her for whatever she has done to upset her in the first place.

It's hard to do that when somebody doesn't talk to you. "Like him?" Lisa asks angrily. She doesn't actually mean to, but her blood boils at the thought of him, an irrational jealousy, and fiery red. She wants Jennie to be happy of course, she normally encourages her dates even when they make her feel like this but Jennie can only ignore her for so many days before it sets her on edge.

She never just says she wants a break from her, she always does this.

"He's my friend Lisa, you should get over it. You're not the only one that can go out with other people sometimes." Jennie snaps and Lisa flinches, her jaw setting, balling her free hand up so it stops shaking.

She's mad but she hates fighting with Jennie. "If you would just tell me when you're sick of me that would be great, then I can save myself the trouble of trying to do something nice for you when you don't even care about it."

"That's not fair Lisa," Jennie's tone is cold, like ice and Lisa can feel it melt down her spine and enter her veins. But she feels the opposite, she feels like fire.

Red. "No for once it's perfectly fair. You do this to me every time. You get tired of being around me so you ignore me for a few weeks but you don't tell me that you need the break and I do something like tonight and its humiliating." She's past the point of upset, she's yelling into the phone unreasonably and it's probably not going to solve anything or help her in any way to solve this Jennie being mad and ignoring her problem but she's never been very good at controlling her emotions around her.

"Lisa, I really don't want to do this right now." Jennie sighs like she's defeated, like Lisa is just too much and she has finally fallen off the edge. Is finally done dealing with it and it makes Lisa's heart hurt in her chest and the fire in her veins burns brighter.

"You never do, because you never fucking talk to me." She snaps her jaw clenching and moving as she tries to reign in her anger but it's not working out very well.

She hates hurting Jennie. "You want me to talk? You always expect me to be there but I'm not always going to be there. I'm not always going to wait for you Lisa so you need to figure out how to communicate a little better because I'm sick of this." Jennie is yelling too, despite wherever she is that has all that noise bustling in the background she is yelling at her and Lisa knows she deserves it but it does nothing to make her feel more reasonable.

She's too upset and she can't fix this. "Sick of what, of me?" She doesn't sound as angry as she is when she asks it, her voice cracks along the words like she already knows the answer and she hates herself for being so weak to show that kind of emotion right now.

"Lisa," Jennie sighs heavily as if she's nothing but a burden.

Lisa knows she is. "That's it right?"

"You always hear what you want to hear, I can't do this with you right now I'm too mad."

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