Chapter 12

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October, 2021

Jennie grumbles softly, waking up to soft kisses against her cheek and her neck and the corner of her mouth and gentle fingers combing through soft brown tangles of hair. Lisa's voice is in her ear, something about getting up, going to work, "I'll make you breakfast" things along those lines but the last thing she wants to do is leave this bed. It's almost better than the dreams she has of Lisa being with her like this, except in those dreams Lisa is always kissing her mouth.

"Too tired," Jennie grumbles, rolling over and burying herself in the safety and darkness of Lisa's neck, feeling her soft chuckle as she embraces Jennie and comforts her from her sleep.

"I know, but you can come back at your lunch break and take a nap?" Lisa seems to encourage softly.

"Sounds nice." Jennie croaks. Her voice muffled against Lisa's skin. She tries to burrow further into her but her entire body is already curved against Lisa's, there is no more room left between them. Jennie thinks she could wake up like this forever and never grow tired of it.

"I'll drive you today."

"I can walk," Jennie manages another grumble against soft skin.

"No, it's raining and you walk in the rain enough, I'll drive you."

"Sweet girl," Jennie leans up and presses a kiss to Lisa's cheek before she burrows back in her safe place to scum to the warmth and peacefulness she has found there.

Lisa doesn't make much effort to move. "You already slept past the alarm."

"So, I am the boss." Jennie nuzzles Lisa's neck and keeps her eyes shut, reveling in the soft feel of Lisa's body and the gentle motions of her breathing.

"Which is why you have to go." Lisa chuckles and combs her fingers through Jennie's hair, not helping convince the brunette to want to get motivated much.

She still doesn't move, just breathes Lisa in and stays buried in the curve of her neck. "What do you want for dinner?" She mumbles against skin, feeling Lisa shiver as she breathes against her.

"It's my turn to cook." Lisa says instead of answering.

"No it's not, you cooked last night."

"Heating up leftover soup for you is not cooking."

"Counts as cooking to me."

"You hate cooking Jen."

"Not when I cook for you." Jennie sits up so that she can look at Lisa below her, eyes slipping to the small upward curve of the girl's plump lips.

Lisa' fingertips brush through the side of Jennie's hair carefully, pushing the locks behind her ear. "If you insist on cooking, make whatever you want." Lisa sits up and Jennie's breath gets caught in her throat as she is forced to sit up with her, coming nose to nose with the blonde girl in her bed.

She wonders if Lisa is thinking the same thing she is. By the pretty blush that's begun to travel from her neck to her cheeks Jennie can assume she is. And the way her eyes are looking at her, a look that makes Jennie warm all over. It would be easy to just close the rest of the distance. To kiss her and find out what she taste like. God does she want to.

"You have to be going," Lisa mumbles but it sounds like a struggle to even get the words out. Her voice low and quiet and disclosing her feelings so easily.

Jennie pretends not to notice. "Yeah," She replies back, brushing her nose across Lisa's and hears the girl's breath catch. If she leans forward just a fraction more she could feel Lisa's lips on her own and it would effectively change everything forever.

You Make Me Feel (When I Feel Nothing) | Jenlisa [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now