Chapter 7

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October, 2020

"Why have you two been so weird lately?" Jisoo is spreading the table cloth along the table. Rosé had been working on dinner all night and Lisa had seemingly wanted to help her instead of trailing along behind Jennie which she normally did whenever they were around each other, unless of course Rosé was cooking her favorite, which tonight, is exactly what she was doing.

Jennie pretended she didn't know what Jisoo was talking about. "What do you mean?"

"You and Lisa, you're like... I don't know. Acting weird." Jisoo shrugs as she smoothed out the table cloth on her side.

"What kind of weird." Jennie smoothed out the table cloth on her end as well and avoided eye contact.

"I don't know what kind of weird; I mean you're both individually weird. It's just." Jisoo shrugged and met Jennie's eye line when the brunette looked up at her. "You've both just been so distant from each other lately, I mean when you're together you seem normal but you haven't been spending that much time together and Lisa is always going out."

Jennie frowns and looks down at the table cloth as she sets a plate down on the left side, careful not to mess up the smoothed out cloth. "Not really. I was just at her place, she-"

"No. That's not what I mean Jennie. I mean. You guys have been best friends since six years old. Where she goes you go, where you go she goes. It hasn't been like that lately, are you fighting? Did you sleep together because I know that might be weird if you guys didn't admit your feelings and-"

"We didn't sleep together why would you think that?" Jennie asks a bit too incredulously. She knows Jisoo is still going to harass her about her feelings for Lisa, despite Jennie still continuously denying them. But Jisoo was right about those feelings so it's not like Jennie doesn't get why she does it.

She hates that Jisoo was right. "I don't know Lisa's been on a tryst lately." Jisoo shrugs and Jennie feels her stomach turn until she thinks she might be sick. She tries to shove the thought of Lisa with other girls down, but it's been haunting her for the last few months now, urging her to talk to Lisa about how she's feeling but she doesn't. She avoids it, because she's scared and because Lisa asked her to wait.

"Well I'm not a notch on her bed post." Jennie said a little bitterly as she began to set plates down with Jisoo.

"That's it isn't it, you both slept together and you didn't talk at all, and now it's weird."

"We haven't slept together and we're not fighting. Everything's fine, Lisa's just... she's come out of a hard time, you know. She's better so she's going out more and I've been busy with the gallery. Our schedules are just not lined up all the time." Jennie shrugs hoping Jisoo will let this situation and this conversation slide. It's a bit annoying to have her stick her nose into their business when Lisa and Jennie haven't even figured out what their business is yet.

"Rosé has this theory; I told her it was stupid." Jisoo waved it off as if she wasn't going to tell Jennie what it is but there was no way the brunette was going to let her get away with whatever it was that easily.

"What theory?"

"Well, I mean, she always assumed with you two that it was a matter of time you know, like it's bound to happen. I'm not so sure you have the guts at this point. But she said," Jisoo stopped putting silverware down beside the plates. "Did she break your heart Jennie? Were you together and then for some reason you broke up and now she's-"

"No way Jisoo, Lisa and I..." Jennie sets silverware down neatly beside a plate and keeps her eyes away from Jisoo. "I promise it's nothing like that. We've both just been busy, and Lisa's you know... sort of dating again and she always gets... distance I guess when she's dating."

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