Chapter 2

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October, 2019

"Here Lis, I got your coat." Jennie reaches her hand out as the door shuts behind the blonde girl, who stands a bit taller than her when Jennie isn't wearing her high heels.

Lisa looks at her a moment as if to contemplate whether she wants to be the one to take the coats or not but seems to give in to the idea of letting Jennie do it after a moment and places her jacket in Jennie's arm. "Thank you." She says politely and Jennie gives her that big brilliant gummy smile that she knows Lisa seems to like. It always relaxes her shoulders and melts away the remaining tension. It's not a long lasting effect, it always comes back, but it does its job for now anyways.

The brunette makes her way to the coat rack as Lisa passes her to greet Rosé and Jisoo who seemed to have dispersed in separate rooms, Rosé to the kitchen to finish cooking the meal they'd be eating, and Jisoo to the dining room to set the table, a pretty common occurrence on dinner nights like this. So it's unsurprising really.

Jennie eventually makes her way to the dining room to help Jisoo, greeting her friend with a hug and an offer to help, though she wonders what they'll be having to eat and almost escapes the dining room to find out, maybe get Lisa to sneak her a bite, something they're very good at doing as well at these things, something Rosé and Jisoo have always gotten mad at them for.

She's just about to leave when Jisoo seems to bring up the topic Jennie had been hoping she'd avoid. "Lisa's really bad." She says it as she places a plate down on a mat across the table, and Jennie looks up at her with her eyebrow raised as she sets silverware next to the plate she had just set down.

"Please don't bring that up in front of her." She says it kind of harshly, and she doesn't mean to exactly, it just comes out protective and all at once because that's how Jennie is with Lisa. She takes care of her, she wants to protect her, she wants to protect her from her own darkness but she can't really do that. She can at least protect her from uncomfortable conversations.

"I'm just worried about her. I've never seen her so... sad." Jisoo has that pity look in her eye, a small frown on her face as she explains and all Jennie can do at first in response is to sigh. Jisoo is right, she's sad, very sad, a lot sadder than she had really experienced and it was lasting a really long time. It never truly goes away of course but it has never quite been like this before. Jennie just hates that she can't do anything to help her.

"She's... okay. I mean, she's not great or even fine, and I'm not sure okay is the right word but it's the one she uses. She's seeing a therapist and they're trying to prescribe her some new medication but Lisa's funny about taking it." Jennie shrugs and adjusts the napkin the silverware is on, even though it's already perfectly straight.

"Is she still working?" Jisoo asks gently.

"Yeah, she's doing it from home which isn't ideal, but she's still doing it. Sometimes she just needs some time and patience. She'll get through this." Jennie says it confidently because she has to be confident about it. Because Lisa needs someone to believe in her at every corner, even with Jisoo giving her that worried look that sets her on edge.

"I'm just worried. I never knew it could get this bad, Rosé says she's seen it once but it's never lasted this long." Jennie remembers hearing of it, she had been away that summer and Lisa had apparently snapped out of it by the time she was back, but she witnessed some over phone calls.

"She's going to be okay. She's already doing a bit better; I think she's coming out of it. She's talking to me about it a bit, which is better than last month." She thinks about Lisa's doe eyes when she said that stuff about her feeling only with her and her heart does a funny fast speed chase in her chest for a moment, she isn't sure why but she is sure that it has all to do with wanting to help Lisa.

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