Chapter 11

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September, 2021

Jennie was prepared this time. Fully and one hundred percent prepared for this weather. She rarely gets this lucky, and the weather rarely ever tells the truth. But today was a good day, and even though it was grey and stormy and wet outside, there was nothing but sunshine in Jennie's heart.

She even hummed the song that's been stuck in her head all day on her walk to Lisa's apartment. When she made it there she didn't bother knocking, as Lisa's casual sex streak had seemed to be over. Not one girl has come home with Lisa since Rosé and Jisoo's wedding.

"Are you home?" Jennie called into the apartment, pulling her umbrella shut and placing it down under the coat rack, hanging up her coat as well.

"Most of the time," Lisa smirks appearing into the hallway and Jennie's heart races at the sight of her, her own smile unable to be stopped as it forms on her lips. Lisa is looking at her with bright walnut eyes and Jennie wants nothing more than to wrap herself up in her embrace after a long day at work.

"You look pretty," Jennie says, making her way down the hallway and meeting Lisa halfway as she also walks toward her.

"Not really," Lisa snorts. Examining her casual clothing and pressing her hand to her face as if to emphasize her lack of make-up. Jennie doesn't care; she'll always think she's so very pretty.

"You're always pretty." Jennie silently admires the soft blush that crosses along Lisa's cheekbones.

"Are you cold?" Lisa seems to change the subject, hand dropping from her face.

"A little if it means you're going to make me hot chocolate." Jennie smiles innocently, arms moving around Lisa's waist to pull the blonde against her body and nearly sighing out loud at the feeling of it.

"You want marshmallows?" Lisa asks softly, tipping her head to the side as she stares at her, a small smile on her lips that Jennie can't help but look at, a small desire to kiss her, urging it's way in-between them has it has commonly been for the last six months.

"Always," Jennie mutters, the smile on her mouth having disappeared as her eyes stay attached to Lisa's plump lips, the smile on hers seems to vanish as well and Jennie's thumb is tracing Lisa's lower lip before she can stop herself.

"Okay," Lisa mumbles out in a nervous stutter, parting from Jennie and turning back around to go into the kitchen and make her hot chocolate.

Jennie silently curses herself for being careless, the pressure and urge to kiss Lisa only grows stronger with every passing day they don't kiss each other and Jennie wonders if this suffocating feeling is also occupying the blonde's chest.

It has to be right? She can't be alone in this. It wouldn't feel like this if she was. Surely Lisa looks at her the same exact way Jennie looks at Lisa, surely not kissing her is as hard as it is for Jennie. There's no way that Jennie could feel this overwhelmed and have it be one-sided, right? Not after the last conversation. Not after Lisa had said those words out loud like that, not after Jennie did.

It was truly the waiting that was killing her, and she assumed it always would. "You just gonna stand there and stare at the living room or are you going to hover over me while I make it like you normally do?"

"You make it faster if I do that."

"I don't, that's all in your head Jen." Lisa clicks the "n" in her name and something about it makes Jennie's stomach twist sending a rush of heat through her body. Her gaze follows the outline of Lisa's backside in her jeans and the heat grows worse.

You Make Me Feel (When I Feel Nothing) | Jenlisa [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now