Lucifer gently took his son by the arm and pulled him behind him. He then turned his attention to his two older brothers and glared murderously. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?! I told you I didn't want him here, Amenadiel! I was quite clear on my conditions for releasing him!"

"I had no choice, brother," Amenadiel said.

"You had no choice but to bring this dick into my house?!" Dean asked angrily.

Gabriel, who had finally recovered fully from his panic attack, was watching as Michael pulled out of Amenadiel's arms and backed away from all of them. "Guys."

"You brought him here where my son is! You have placed him in danger!" Lucifer yelled.

Michael brought his hands up to his ears and started to whimper.

"We both know what he could and would do to a Nephilim!" Lucifer continued loudly.

"Guys, stop!" Gabriel yelled at them, causing everyone to turn to him. He then tentatively took a few steps towards Michael. "Michael, are you alright?"

"Don't like yelling. Make it stop!" Michael cried as he slid to the floor.

Gabriel could barely comprehend what he was seeing. His older brother was breaking down much like he had a few minutes ago. Actually, it might even be worse than he had. It was unbelievable. He had never seen Michael lose control of himself even once. Something bad had happened to him in that cage, and Gabriel was sure it was very much like what he'd gone through himself. "No one's yelling anymore."

Amenadiel walked over as well. "Michael, we're sorry. We didn't mean to upset you."

"Speak for yourself," Dean mumbled.

Lucifer stood there silently. Like Gabriel, he was more than a bit shocked by what he was seeing. This was unlike Michael. Yes, he was sort of insane, so that made sense, but Lucifer hadn't expected a meltdown.

Michael calmed down after a minute or two and stood up with the help of his twin. "Don't yell. Yelling means pain. I don't want that."

"There wont be any pain, Michael," Gabriel said reassuringly. He hadn't liked Michael for a long time, but he was still his brother, so he still loved him, and he could sympathize with whatever Michael had been through.

Amenadiel turned to Lucifer. "Lu...Samael, can we speak outside." He knew his brother would be pissed at the use of his former name, but he really didn't want to face another meltdown with Michael by calling him Lucifer.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes at his brother. He hated that name and Amenadiel knew it. What was he playing at by using it now? It had to have something to do with Michael, that much Lucifer knew, but it didn't mean he wasn't pissed about it.

"Go ahead. We'll stay with Michael. Though, Sam, you, Dean, and Jack might want to join them," Gabriel said. He didn't really want Sam in the same room with Michael. Michael was unpredictable right now. He was certainly a danger to humans. Hell, he was even when his mind was intact. And he would certainly be a danger to a Nephilim.

"No, I'm staying with you," Sam said. He wasn't leaving Gabriel alone with an archangel he knew was dangerous.

"I'm not going anywhere," Dean said firmly as well.

"Jack, come with me," Lucifer said before pulling his son from the room. He trusted that the others would do their best to protect Jack, but he didn't feel comfortable with his son being in a room without him while Michael was there, especially when Michael was in that room as well.

Amenadiel followed them. They walked through the bunker and entered an empty room so they wouldn't be overheard. "Look, I know you don't want him here, but I had no other choice. Things are worse than I thought."

"Yes, I can see that. All the more reason for him not to be around humans or my son," Lucifer said.

"Luci, his mind is broken. He was tortured in the Cage. Naomi said it was quite severe. I think it might even be worse than what Gabriel went through, and we both know that's saying a lot," Amenadiel said.

"Why did you call me 'Samael'?" Lucifer asked.

"Because Michael would've freaked out if I'd used your other name. He's terrified of it," Amenadiel said.

"Terrified of me? The bastard hugged me when we released him," Lucifer said skeptically.

"No. To him, you're Samael. He's afraid of Lucifer, the person he believes tormented him," Amenadiel said.

"We're the same bloody person! Are you saying he doesn't understand that?" Lucifer asked in disbelief. That seemed ridiculous to him. Michael knew that he'd changed his name. He knew that he, Lucifer, and Samael were the same person. Of course, with his mind being broken, anything was possible, but it meant Amenadiel was right. Michael was worse off than they thought.

"Yes. I talked to him a little about it. I asked him about Lucifer and then about Samael. There were complete opposite reactions. You are the brother he loves, and Lucifer is an evil monster," Amenadiel said.

"This is just lovely. Well, you need to fix him," Lucifer said. There was no way Michael would be able to fight in this condition. He would break at the slightest conflict, and that was the best-case scenario.

"Can you just fix someone like that?" Jack asked.

Amenadiel sighed and rolled his eyes at his brother. "No, we cant. Lucifer, maybe if we had Raphael we'd be able to heal him, but Raphael's dead. No one else has the power to instantaneously heal his mind. We're going to have to do it the old-fashioned way. I have an idea for that."

"Well, do tell," Lucifer said.


About an hour later, Lucifer, Amenadiel, Gabriel, Sam, and Jack were in the library with Sam's computer. They were skyping with Linda from LA. Castiel and Dean were with Michael.

"Hold on. You want me to shrink your brother, who you say is insane, over the computer," Linda said slowly.

"Yes, Doctor. We need you to fix him," Lucifer said.

"I cant just 'fix' him, Lucifer! Therapy doesn't work like that," Linda said in an exasperated voice.

"Doctor, time is of the essence here," Lucifer said.

"He's right, Linda. We need Michael back to the way he was as soon as possible," Amenadiel said.

"I'm a psychiatrist. I cant simply heal people," she said.

"Well, we need you to do your best. Just bring him back to reality," Lucifer said.

"Why do I get the feeling that you don't actually care about your brother's well-being?" Linda asked. Lucifer was being very pushy, and he seemed to just care about the situation he was apparently in, not his brother's mental health.

"Because I don't," Lucifer said flatly. Yes, it was terrible that Michael was tortured, but he just couldn't bring himself to care too much about what Michael had suffered. Michael certainly didn't care about his suffering when he cast him out of his home. When he called him a monster and said they were no longer brothers.

"Lucifer, perhaps we should discuss what's going on between you and your brother," Linda said. She could tell Lucifer had a lot of anger for his brother, perhaps even more than what he demonstrated regarding his father.

"I am not the one in need of therapy right now. Your skills are needed to fix Michael. Will you do it?" Lucifer asked.

Linda sighed. "Fine. I will speak with Michael and assess him, but this is not going to be simple. This could take a long time."

"Well, it's our only option," Amenadiel said.

"I need to speak with him alone, and then I want to speak with the two of you," Linda said as she pointed her finger between Amenadiel and Lucifer. "Separately."

"Fine," Lucifer agreed reluctantly.

"I agree as well. I'll get Michael," Amenadiel said before leaving the room. 

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