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Draco turns around, and squints his eyes as if he is having trouble recognising the person who called his name out. 

"Potter?" the blonde replied, and Harry makes his way over to him. 

"What are you doing in town?" Draco asked, emotionlessly. 

"As welcoming as ever Malfoy," Harry mocked, and he could have sworn that a small smile passed Draco's face. Then the thought occurred to him. Mione had blown off Harry for tonight because she had to work with...

"I thought you would be working with Hermione tonight?" Harry asked. 

Draco's face morphed into one of confusion, "we had no such plans. Granger and I haven't seen each other since the last time I assisted the ministry and that was three months back."

"Oh okay. I must have misheard then."

Both men bid their goodbyes and Harry returns to his task of fetching more drinks. 

So Hermione lied then... why was Harry not surprised? He realised this morning that something was wrong with the way she was acting. But Hermione didn't lie, she was honest to the bone. 

For the rest of the night, the question of why she lied kept nagging at the raven's brain.


Hermione and Alex find themselves at a discreet table at a muggle restaurant - far away from the prying eyes of those who desperately hang on to each detail of Hermione's life as gossip. 

"I thought you would like to be in a less public place," Alex said, "I uhm hope you find something you like to eat. I wasn't really sure about your preference."

He's nervous, Hermione realises. 

"I'm sure I can find something, let's not worry about that," she said, laughing and felt him brighten up too. 

Hermione sips her light gin and tonic and feels Alex's soft gaze on her. Despite her nerves, the conversation feels... easy. She can't help but compare it to the many she's shared with Harry. Her thoughts always heavy and emotions tumultuous. But with Alex, it's easy, and for once maybe Hermione doesn't want a challenge.

"You're thinking hard," Alex comments.

"Oh sorry," Hermione draws back her focus. "I've just never really done this before. I mean not often, and it's definitely been a while."

"You mean like a date?"

"Umm... yeah"

"Not for lack of offers I assume. Almost everyone I know is constantly wondering whether the Ministress is single or not," Alex says, sending the brunette a playful look.

"Really? I didn't know my dating life was such a topic of interest." Hermione said, one brow quirked in amusement. 

"Well I think just about half of the wizards and witches out there are hoping to get their chance," Alex exaggerates.

"Are you serious?" Hermione's eyes are now wide open in alarm, and Alex chuckles lightly.

"I think it's those deep brown eyes along with that amazingly confident personality that draws them in."

Hermione can't help the heat pooling at her cheeks and looks away awkwardly.

"So what do you do in the Education Board Committee?" Hermione asked genuinely curious about the man's role. 

"Well, we draw up the common boards in all the wizarding and witching schools. I had started out working Ilvermorny, but three years back I shifted to London, and then started assisting with Hogwarts. This had always been the goal, I always wanted to work with them."

"Oh? So you must be working with the Headmistress right?" Hermione takes her chance to ask about Minerva. 

"Oh yes, mostly all of the faculties. But she is the one who definitely had a lot to tell about the 'golden trio'." 

Hermione laughed at him air quoting that name. Yes, Harry, Hermione and Ron may have dubbed that title somewhere along all the years in school. She's happy to know they left a trace, that Minerva, even with all the trouble they caused, still remembers them fondly.

She asks Alex about all the faculty as they eat, and he's happy to tell her all about them. 

The conversation shifted to shows they like to catch on the tv when Hermione said, "I barely make it home twice a week, can't exactly keep up with the shows."

"Yea I have heard, there are whispers around the ministry that you never go home. Your coworkers are worried about me."

"Oh I know, last week Ron dragged me out for three meals, and Harry practically dragged me all the way hom-"

"Harry Potter?" Alex asks, interrupting her suddenly. 

"He is a close friend of your right?" The understatement irks Hermione. 

"Yes, we went through everything together. None of us had anyone else. I was a muggleborn and he didn't have a family. So, the golden trio became our family. Ron, Harry and I just fit. We understood each other, supported each other and it turns out that was all we needed to face anything."

She recalled fondly, and Alex was smiling with her. 

"Well, I barely talk to my high school best friends," he says it as a joke, but it strikes her fear that someday she, Ron and Harry might be like that too. 

Their meal is over, and when the waiter comes to pick the dishes up and leave the check, she is glad for the distraction. 

"This has been fun," Hermione confesses.

"You make it sound like the night is over," Alex replies, and Hermione quirks an eyebrow in confusion. "I mean I still have to walk you through the new curriculum."

"How could I forget?"

"Maybe we can leave that for next time," Alex suggests, suddenly feeling bold. "There will be a next time, right?"

"Definitely," Hermione decides.

They leave the restaurant. Hermione's nerves suddenly overwhelm her as she struggles to decide how to end the date. They're not on a busy street by any means, and nobody here really knows them but Hermione isn't really sure she's ready for any public displays of affection. Once again, as if reading her thoughts, Alex speaks.

"I'm not in any rush, Hermione. I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah, of course," Hermione assures him, grateful for his understanding.

"Good night," Alex offers a timid wave and walks away.

"Good night."

Hermione turns around and starts walking home too. It was actually a pleasant evening and she hadn't been lying when she said that she would like for it to repeat. But now that she was of the date-highs, she has a feeling of guilt settling down. 

She rounds the final corner onto her street and finds Harry waiting outside her house.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asks in lieu of a greeting. "Come inside. You could've just broken in you know, instead of waiting out here."

The two step into the warm light of the sparsely-decorated apartment.

"I do know. You have absolutely no security, it's ridiculous," Harry lectures, and for a moment Hermione thinks maybe this conversation won't become complicated but then he asks, "how was working late?"

"Umm... fine," Hermione answers plainly.

"You and Draco wrapped things up?" Harry probes, and Hermione refuses to look at him.


"Mione, I'm going to give you one last chance to not lie to my face."

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