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So...this is the first ever fanfic I wrote on Wattpad. It used to be a separate book on here but I'm moving it to this one to conserve space.

It's a Poki one-shot (Loki and Percy Jackson). If you don't like it, don't read it.

Also, I wrote this when I was in eighth grade (14 years old) so do with that what you will.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Marvel or Percy Jackson (If I did, there would be so many characters that would still be alive). They belong to their respective owners of Disney and Rick Riordan.


Percy's POV-

The Avengers, Triton, and I were spending our afternoon in the lounge room. Tony and I were sprawled on the couch. I had my eyes glued to the book in my lap— thanks to the glasses Tony made for me, I can finally read and not worry about the letters dancing across the page— with Triton looking over my shoulder. Tony was fiddling with something techy while simultaneously talking with Bruce who was sitting in the armchair next to him. Natasha was sitting on the couch opposite to us looking at some old SHIELD files with Steve. Thor was sleeping, and snoring quite obnoxiously, beside them. And Clint was sitting on the stair railing gazing out the window.

Triton suddenly stood straight up and headed towards the elevator.

Looking up, I called, "Where are you going?"

"I'm meeting up with some other minor gods. Dad will be coming over later," Triton said as he continued to march towards the elevator.

"Why is Dad coming over?"

"Because I won't be here. You know how Dad is."

I sighed and stuck my nose back into my novel.

"Also, he wants to meet your boyfriend."

"I don't have a boyfriend, Triton."

Across from me, on the couch, I heard Tony say, "Yeah you do. Reindeer Games."

"Loki is NOT my boyfriend!" I shouted at him, feeling the blood quickly rush to my face. The sudden noise causing Thor to bolt up like Frankenstein's monster.

"Don't deny it! We've all seen the way you two ogle each other all day!" Tony said smirking. "Right, Tri?"

I faintly heard Triton mutter a quick goodbye and scuttle onto the elevator, the bell signaling his leave.

"We're not dating,Tony," I blurted, sitting my book and glasses on the center table hastily.

"But yet you don't deny that you are infatuated with him," Clint said hopping down from his perch on the stairs. "What sold him to you? Was it his evil charisma? Or maybe it was the way his hair drapes over his shoulders. No! It's his eyes, isn't it?"

"Loki is not evil! And it's rude to talk about someone like that while they're not here," I said, my face seeming to, impossibly, turn more red.

"Face it Ariel. You. Are. In. LOVE," Tony insisted

None of the other Avengers intervened. Steve looked embarrassed, Nat looked bored, Bruce looked amused, and Thor appeared confused.

I don't know what did it. Whether it was the nickname or the kissy faces Tony and Clint were making at me, but I lunged across the couch and tackled Tony to the ground. Ignoring the surprised cries coming from the people around me, I straddled Tony's waist and held his wrists alongside his head. My hands gripped his wrists so hard my knuckles turned a ghostly white.

"Shut up," I hissed, giving him my best wolf glare.

"You are going to have to tell Loki sooner or later, Percy," Tony teased.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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