e l e v e n

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Irene sped up, disregarding the speed limit and other traffic regulations. She fought back tears as she ignored the few drivers who honked at us. My own brain was malfunctioning. I didn't know what exactly was happening, and I couldn't stop shaking. I wiped my tears with the sleeve of my shirt and breathed in an enormous amount of oxygen. But still, it wasn't enough to calm my heart. All of a sudden, it was too hot in the car.

"I don't understand this..." she said, her brows frowning.

"Hm? What exactly?" I frowned too, not understanding what she was talking about. But she didn't say anything. I simply had to follow her gaze to comprehend.

Felix was leaning against his car, arms crossed, talking to Minho and Jeongin in the parking lot of the hospital. I didn't get out of the car.

"What exactly is he doing here?" Irene asked, knowing we both hadn't the answer.

"I don't know, but we'll find it out later. We need to see Wooyoung now."

We stepped out of the car and practically sprinted towards the hospital's entrance. The few people who were nearby paid us attention, but it wasn't as if it mattered. What mattered was Felix noticing me. He called my name once, twice, but I ignored him and continued jogging till I was forced to halt. My wrist had been seized, forcing me to stand, and he had skirted me so that he could stand in front of me. Irene continued moving forward until she realized I wasn't following her. She turned back and stood there, unsure of what she should do.

"Let me go!" I tried to remove his hand from my wrist.

"I don't think so, honey." He retorted calmly.

His face was badly injured. His lower lip was awfully bruised, as well as his brow. His under-eyes seemed darker, his left cheekbone terribly swollen, and his knuckles... better not to talk about. God knows where else he could have been injured.

"Didn't you hear? I said let me fucking go!!" I said, completely ignoring his words.

"DO I NEED to repeat myself too?!!" I froze. It was the first time he raised his voice at me. I felt my knees getting weaker but managed to not let it appear.

"What have you done to Wooyoung? Huh?!" I hit his chest with my fist.

"Speak Felix, fucking speak!" I hit him again, but he caught my hand this time. "I know you don't stand each other, but you've gone way too far."

I couldn't hold back my tears any longer. They fell down my cheeks and I just didn't care at this point.

"Enough, Aeri! Get in the car." He dragged me toward his car, despite my disagreement.

"What? NO. I need to see him." I tried to free myself, but my force didn't compare to his.

"Felix, let her go, please." Irene attempted to be gentle with him. For what? Hoping he'd turn around and obey? As if.

He simply didn't listen. He continued to drag me until we reached the vehicle. He opened the door and pushed me in the backseat before sitting next to me. Minho and Jeongin were already in the front.

"Let's go, Minho."

I didn't do anything but simply let them take me to their place. I was tired. I couldn't change his mind anyway if I tried. So I just looked out of the window, searching for my best friend before leaving her and the others there. When our eyes met, I saw Mingi and Hongjoong getting out of the building and joining her, with a confused look on their faces. That was the last thing I saw before leaving the parking lot.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I whispered to myself as I ran my hands through my hair and sucked in the fresh night breeze.

"Are you okay?" I was surprised at the soft and astonishingly caring voice.

As I turned to my right, I stiffened even more when I noticed Chan sitting on the bench next to me. I stood up and started to walk a few steps and returned to my place, keeping on repeating the movement a couple of times.

"I'm sorry about what happened to your friend." He paused for a second, unsure how to continue his talk. "And the past." This time I dared a glance in his direction.

"It's just weird to see Felix get closer to a girl again. When he gets attached to someone, he becomes very... committed. Honestly, I really don't think he's ready yet." He gave me a weak smile.

I'm not sure how or why, but for some reason, his serene demeanor and voice gave me a little comfort. He certainly knew how to manage this kind of issue as a leader. But that didn't lessen my current level of hatred towards Felix. It was annoying that I still didn't understand why the two of them had fought.

Chan was gazing up into the sky, most likely admiring the stars. Uncertainly, I approached him and took a seat next to him.

"Why then? If he cared about my feelings, why did he injure him so severely? What caused them to fight?"

"You need to give us all some time, Aeri. After what the majority of us have experienced, it's not easy." I, too, gazed up at the sky.

Chan sighed loudly before turning to face me, prompting me to do the same.

"Aeri, look. There's something you should be aware of. " Chan appeared to be looking for the appropriate words as he briefly opened his mouth. He sighed once more and then shook his head.

"Felix will be back from his mission soon. Perhaps you should go up to rest. I'm sure he won't appreciate it if he finds out you've been up so late." I sensed a change in his tone, which made me uneasy once more. I was once again overcome with fear, as I thought about earlier.

"That's right," a cold and strong voice said. Chan turned around, a tiny smile on his face as he saw Felix return safely.

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