t h r e e

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My soul left my body as I heard Irene's alarm ring next to my ear. Who the hell places a phone in between two bodies directly next to their heads? There was only my best friend to do so. I grabbed her phone to turn the damn sound off as she didn't bother to do it herself and lifted me up to sit for a few seconds before leaving Yunho's bedroom to get ready. He let us sleep in his room since they didn't want us to spend the night on the couch. I automatically searched my own phone to see if I had gotten any notifications, but I couldn't remember when I had seen it last. I grabbed my bag to search for it inside, but it was unsuccessful. I looked inside my pockets, but it wasn't there either. The last attempt was in Irene's bag. Maybe it had landed mysteriously in it, but when I emptied the contents, none of the objects belonged to me. Alright, no need to worry. I will surely find it by the end of the day.

I got the stairs down and walked into the kitchen, where some of the boys were talking while eating breakfast. I greeted Yunho, San, and Jongho, who was pouring himself a cup of coffee. The scent drove me insane.

"One cup for me too, please," I said as I sat next to Yunho.

"Let me correct you. You mean three cups, don't you? " He replied, amused, as he walked towards me and placed the brewed drink in front of me.

"Whatever," I grumbled, rolling my eyes. If I could, I would drink an enormous amount of that stimulant drug every day for the rest of my life.

"How was sleep?" asked Yunho while finishing his buttered toast.

"Okay, if we can call it sleep... Thank you for letting us sleep in your room"

"No need to thank me for that. You know, you're like my little sister" he said, and lightly ruffled my hair. "I know you might think you're not hungry but eat something please" he placed an apple in my hand.

"I can't believe Hongjoong isn't getting his ass up! We have to leave in fifteen minutes! " San complained and drank the last drop of his coffee.

"Don't worry, he's always on time. You should know that by now" said Yeosang as he entered the room.

He stood next to us to stretch for a second before putting his favorite cereals in a bowl and grabbing the milk from the fridge. I realized that my first lecture was with Yeosang and Wooyoung. But he wasn't here yet. Maybe he didn't want to face me for now. Besides it's not like I had planned to leave the house today. My mood changed as I stared at the apple in my hand, lost in my thoughts.

"Don't be bothered, he'll come down soon. He's taking a shower" Yeosang said, noticing my facial expression.

I nodded and took a bite of my apple. He and his friend were sharing a room, so that's how he exactly knew what he was doing. I wonder if they have talked about me.

A few minutes passed, and the boy in question entered the room, drying his hair with a towel. He was wearing a black pair of jeans but no shirt. Well, no, his shirt was placed on one of his shoulders, to be exact. He greeted us, to which everyone in the room responded, except for me. I snapped my head in the other direction, and I can't deny the fact that it made me blush. But for what reason? It wasn't the first time I saw him like this.

I took a bigger bite of my apple this time to ignore my brain and it made me choke. I started to cough as tears started to form in my eyes. The boys started to laugh and Yunho lightly hit me on the back to make me stop. After calming myself down, I chuckled, too embarrassed about what happened. I could only hope they didn't guess the reason.

Wooyoung hung the towel on the back of a chair and put his shirt on before serving himself a cup of coffee. I felt him lean against the counter not far from me, and I dared a quick glance at his face as he started to talk.

"We still have time, right? I just need to blow dry my hair quickly" The boy with the raven hair ran his hand through it.

"Yes, well, but Mingi is staying at home with the girls" Jongho replied, and I felt Wooyoung's eyes staring at me, but I tried to not pay attention to it.

Yunho and San left the room as Irene came in and sat in front of me.

"Morning guys" she said, and drank the orange juice Yunho offered her.

"By the way, I can't find my phone"

"Maybe you left it at home?" she stated.

"Maybe, but I can't remember it" I said and shrugged. She phoned me once to make the gadget ring, but there was no response.

"Should I try to locate your phone?" That was the first time Wooyoung addressed me today.

"You can't. That function is deactivated" "I responded neutrally.

"But why would you deactivate it?" I shrugged, not knowing what to say or specifically not wanting to answer him.

"I'm gonna go dry my hair" he said, and left the kitchen before putting his cup in the sink.

I watched as he walked away until he was out of my sight, before turning my attention to the girl in front of me.

"We know he doesn't like unanswered questions."

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